Best Bomber Killing Aircraft...... (2 Viewers)

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yes like many in the defnce of the Reich. A younf flugzeugfuhrer of JG 301 KIA on the same day as my cousin Siegfried Baer and from the same Geschwader. this pics as others will be in a future book on JG 301.....

I share these with you, this of Gabler and the enxt pic will be of my cousin, note the difference in materials. both cross's and both remembered .........


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getting back to the baisc coverage of the SturmFw's. Here is a pic of pilot Werner Dehr in front of one of the Bf 109G's of III./JG 4 during the fall of 44. some are equipped with the underwing 2cm waffen pods and others are not.


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yes cannon-boats but not sure about the Rust. though.....

this version ws the common bomber killer until the heavier SturmFw types took over in JG 1 and 11 in the fal/winter of 43-44. The were on the A-7 Fw 190 and called the Fw 190A-7/MK. Unarmored but did have outboard 3cm weapons along with the two 2cm and upper mg 131's over the cowling
I feel like a missed a lot of the convo, my internet was down for a couple of days over here.

Well from what I can tell the leading scorer of Heavy Bombers was:
Georg-Peter Eder
With atleast 36 bomber kills.

This does not have much to do with Bomber killers but I found this story interesting in my search for the pilot with the most heavy bomber kills.



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Contribution on Mr. Hagenah.

I know this gentleman personally, because he once upon a time was one of my superiors at the ACC (Area Control Centre) at Frankfurt/Main. After the war he joined the new established ATC unit (BFS) at Rhein-Main Airport first as a controller and later as team supervisor. He retired about 1972, according to the law of the Bundesanstalt fuer Flugsicherung (BFS), which allowed controllers to retire with the age of 53.

I first met him in 1960, when I was transferred from Hamburg Tower to Frankfurt ACC.
Then, in 1970, I became a direct neighbor to him in the northern part of Frankfurt, where he still lives, however a sick man.
He is married and has, as far as I know, a son.
an air to air bomber


*scanner image is of low quality, tell me if i should post the image of his plane or not*

Messerschmitt Bf109G-1
Flown by Leutnant Heinz Knoke, 5./JG 11, Jever, Germany, April 1943

Heinz Knoke, famous as the man who introduced the air to air bombing of B-17s and well known for some of his post-war memoirs, led the so called boeing klau (boeing grabber) Staffel, 2./JG1 (later 5./JG 11), defending NW Germany against US 4 engined bombers from the onset of the US Bomber offemsive over Germany.

On March 22, 1943, Knoke succeeded in destroying a US Heavy Bomber in the air by dropping a bomb on it. On April 17, the entire Staffel dropped bombs on a B-17 formation over Bremen, where a Focke-Wulf factory is based, this time without success. Defending Kiel 1 month later, on May 14, 3 of his men managed to knock out 3 B-17s by air to air bombing.

Knokeand his men became heavily exploited by German Propaganda in 1943, when there was a desperate need to counterbalance the Daylight bombing raids with....

I wondered if anyone had tried that tactic, it would take a large amount of skill and/or luck to have much success though.
While this very long thread gets into many aspects of the topic I would agree that the 262 was the ultimate bomber knocker-downer. But armourers cobbled up lots of outlaw armament sets not of official origin. I'd have to give consideration to Me 110/210/410s with 8-10 cannon and 4 2cm rockets as pretty potent customers.
suggest you and others go back to see how much of a dog the Uhu was. ` in the older threads in archives...........developed to late and no Reich backing to keep the heinkel in perspective, too much time wasted in test pieces, over armed, weak wings, ejection seats did not work half the time, the cockpit was too forward of the twin engines which was another fatal flaw. No rearward armament. Nothing developed operationaly beyond the A-2's. thus rear warning Rückswart was not standard equipment like on Ju 88G-6's. Books stating a-5', a-6 and a-7's used on ops are sadly misktaken.

ok rant over. I./NJG 1 is the only gruppe using the Uhu in action. I./NJG 3 had them on hand but did not fly them preferring the truley excellent Ju 88G-6 to attack RAF heavies on Gardening ops. Also just to make it clear now there were only 12 Mossies shot down by the I./NJG 1's Uhu's not a very good track record for all the claim they get in books
Later versions did have rearward firing guns and was pretty successfull against bombers though.

The Ju-88 was the god of night fighters and bomber destroyers when it came to prop driven aircraft.

Hendrik check the variants that were operational out again please, no UHU's on ops ever had a rearward gun fitting. Schrägwaffen was another thing altogether and was used for downing bombers from underneath as was the Bf 110G's and Ju 88c's and G's.

Because of the Mossie nf situation further variants were to have a third pair of eys plus a single MG 131 13mm mg in the rear position but it never evolved.

the Uhu in its interception role the A-6 anti-Mossie machine will be covered in our book although just a prototype unit.
Oh, sorry mate I meant that. I feel so stuped now. It is quite sad that id did not have great success.

They say that the Junkers 88 are actualy the best WW2 aircraft becuase it could do so much and be good in it.


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