It has been too long since I was in one and I Never personally dove to Miltary Max (.75 Mach), and my flying experience was solely with the -30. I also recall the biggest issue was not only structural but the turbulence on the airfoil surfaces due to 'rippling effect' on the pull out - I never experienced that either
From the history, the 51G was the very fastest of all the Mustangs with 490+mph TAS at 22,000 feet with a Service celing of 46,000ft... the only Mustang in the Ta152 class and the thought leader behind the 51H as far as weight reduction.
I think (CRS) that the max diving speed at altitude was 270? mph at 40,000 ft (where I also never even thought about) IAS which is about .75 Mach at STP.
Each aircraft had different issues at Mcr for that a/c. As I recall from literature the 262 had a severe 'pitch down' which is a very bad thing when stick forces are already like concrete..
As the topic was Ta 152 I don't have a clue regarding its Mcr issues.
From the history, the 51G was the very fastest of all the Mustangs with 490+mph TAS at 22,000 feet with a Service celing of 46,000ft... the only Mustang in the Ta152 class and the thought leader behind the 51H as far as weight reduction.
I think (CRS) that the max diving speed at altitude was 270? mph at 40,000 ft (where I also never even thought about) IAS which is about .75 Mach at STP.
Each aircraft had different issues at Mcr for that a/c. As I recall from literature the 262 had a severe 'pitch down' which is a very bad thing when stick forces are already like concrete..
As the topic was Ta 152 I don't have a clue regarding its Mcr issues.