Best Bomber Killing Aircraft......

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I'm sure as hell happy right here in 'Godzone'...Four years in Aussie in the late70's - early 80's made my mind up on that one... Probably wouldn't get a passport now anyway...[mis-spent youth !!]


  • raf_487__nz__sqn._chalks-up_another___hard_day_s_night__..._147.jpg
    19.5 KB · Views: 628
I would have to say it depends on the era of the war. During the Battle of Britain it had to have been the Hurricane. This plane was overshadowed by the Spitfire but it was the workhorse of the Battle Of Britain. However the ultimate had to be the Me-262. It had to have been so hard for the bomber crews to shoot down one because of its sheere speed. It is just luck for the Allies that the Germans did not put into full production until too late in the war and when they did Hitler wanted to use it as a fighter bomber instead of an intercepter. A truely remarkable plane.


  • me262-3.jpg
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I thouroughly agree with 'The Eagle'... the Hurricane did indeed play a big part initially against the Luftwaffe bombers during the BoB...I just wish they had .50's or 20mm's, as the .303's they 'rained-on' the bombers weren't as effective...One of our NZ pilots during the BoB, Crawford-Compton, used to specifically aim for the [I think] starboard engine, which controlled their aircraft power controls, and that eliminated their chances of escaping...
But 'Eagle' also agrees that the 262's were the 'Best Bomber-killer'....- I feel this was an established fact by War's end, their speed an undeniably contributive factor, as well as the slower-firing MK108 30mm cannons which at that speed allowed just enough time to lob a few heavy-duty rounds at the bombers in passing...
Interestingly though, if the War had continued on for abit, their days would've been numbered anyway, as the RAF 616 Sqn [I think] with Meteors, would've nullified their Air Superiority......


  • raf_487__nz__sqn._chalks-up_another___hard_day_s_night__..._176.jpg
    19.5 KB · Views: 563
I have to disagree. The Meteor was a neat aircraft but I wonder if It would have had much of a advantage over the Me-262. I dont know much about the Meteor but it is hard to believe of anything at that time that could out perform a "Schwalbe".
I'm not familiar with their performance stats, they had 4x 20mm cannons to the 262's 4x 30mm's, but the speed factor 262's had would've been rather compromised by Meteors, and the piston-engined fighters were starting to claw the 262's down anyway... - P.51's, Tempests and Mosquitos were getting at them, the fighters' dive-speeds were around 600 mph, enough to catch the 262's...- Also, they were out-numbered.....
I have read many articles concerning the -262 and Bomber Crew's opinions concerning this subject... I dont recall ever reading a bomber crewman saying he was scared of -262's....

However many, many times I have read that they were scared shitless of the Armoured -190A/8's... .50 cal rounds would bounce of the armour plating, severely depressing the bomber crews....

The -190A/8 was a much better bomber killer..... I still connot fathom how someone can think the -262 was better.... Faster isnt always better, especially when u are attack a bomber formation from the rear... 2 seconds, destroy a bomber, alittle right rudder, destroy a second bomber, pull back on the stick and alittle more right rudder, destroy a third.....

You couldnt do that with a -262 fellas....
The Meteor was a neat aircraft but I wonder if It would have had much of a advantage over the Me-262. I dont know much about the Meteor but it is hard to believe of anything at that time that could out perform a "Schwalbe".

well you have to remeber that we're discussing what would happen if the war went on longer, if it had, the Mk.VIII would broberly have entered service allot quicker, and that would eat the speed of the -262 for breakfast, the -262 wasn't the most manouverable of aircraft however the meteor's encounters with "buzzbombs" proved they were suprisingly agile, it's hard to call a winner though................
But remember, it wouldnt only be the Meteor that developed, it would have been the 262 as well. And because the 262 was ahead initially I can only assume that it would stay ahead.
CC, the -A8's were considerably armored on the leading wing edges, the engine, windscreen, fuel tanks and pilot protection..... As I have said before, crewmen would see their .50 cal bullets BOUNCE off the Fw-190A-8's.... And besides, its not like the -190 was slow or something.....

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