Best Fighter

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i would have caught you eventually - but im going away from thursday till sunday so you will pull away again :| talkin of being away, wheres hot space these days? :cry:
cheddar cheese said:
i would have caught you eventually - but im going away from thursday till sunday so you will pull away again :| talkin of being away, wheres hot space these days? :cry:

I've been making a Campaign for IL-2: The Forgotten Battles. So I haven't been around as much as I like :cry:

But I'm back now (Stop groaning in the back :lol: ).

Hot Space
Hurricane or Spitfire, I can't choose they are both brilliant.



How could anyone say the Hurricane was the best fighter? it was outdated by the mid-forties :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

The mosquito was the best fighter :colors:
the mossie was a hell of a fighter. Tell you what, I'll change my statement, the mossie was the best, but the huricane was my faveourite........

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