Best Fighter

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Excellent - a wise choice my friend...Don't get me wrong I love the Hurricane but i had to say it wasn't the best...cos it wasn't
There is nothing 'Valiant' about Nazis my freind

and for your information the Mossie shot down lots of Me109s and FW190s - they used them for bomber escorts sometimes so they could more than handle themselves in dogfights
hey hey hey i mean pilots! not SS (but SS had awesome uniforms) the germans were valiant because of the odds they fought against and the pressures of not having a retirement plan thing (like tours) but true, SS were assholes and aboot the mossies, the bomber escort was for night bombers and still, although it got some, it truly was outmatched against single engined fighters.
I don't agree with that at all

The Mosquito was never 'outmatched' by anything German - the Mosquito was superior to anything the Germans had - the only plane the Germans had that was faster was the Jets
cheddar cheese said:
the only plane the Germans had that was faster was the Jets

and the ta-152, and some models of the 109 8)

and the Komet and the Dora-9 and the He219 and the Ta154 and the
Fw-190 (they all went over 400, even the F-8 ) and the Natter the Ar240 the Ar-440 (prototype version of the Ar-240) and the Fi103 (manned V2)
cheddar cheese said:
the only plane the Germans had that was faster was the Jets

and the ta-152, and some models of the 109 8)

and the Me 410

Despite the fact that there were German planes that could go faster than the Mossie - they didn't have the same performance levels - the Mosquito was infinately more useful than any of those planes...besides - the Me410 were only capable of 32,000ft against the Mossies 34,500ft

I will say the Me109 was a fantastic plane though but it was only capable of doing speeds greater than the Mossie late in the war (1944ish) but early on in the war (42-43) nothing could catch the Mossie - that was its hey-day 8)
the mossie was the RAF's fasted plane for most of the war in fact, not until the arival of the tiffy could anything match it.

i always thought the mosie cold go up to 37,000 ft......

there were so many marks of the mossie, all had their own spesifications, we obviously just have different ones..............
Yep Lancs for the sake of avoiding confusion lets all agree the Mosquito was the best all-round aircraft of WW2 shall we..? 8)

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