Best Fighter

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I don't view these discussions so much as victory or defeat. I mean, we are all just trying to learn more aren't we?
Well, yes but at times you both might already know everything (rarely) about it, and stick to your guns.
hang on, just because i say i dont like a plane doesnt mean i think its crap, basically, using that theory, i could say, "i really like the Breda 88" and that must mean that its an excellent plane, according to your frankly pathetic theory the lancaster and the mossie were both excellent planes, but i dont like them, and i HAVE ALWAYS PREFERRED THE P-38, so there 8)
I wouldn't claim that the Mosquito was better than the P-38. The were both better in their own ways and trying to say that one plane was better than the other doesn't really achieve anything.
Well . . . maneuverability, range, speed (depending on what Mark you are discussing), versatility (as far as an individual airframe goes), better as an escort fighter, better air-to-air.
Well fine, pick any of the three and the Lightning was better. The P-38L flew combat missions of 2,300 miles. And the final recon version the F-5G could fly somewhere around 3,700 miles with external tanks.

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