Best Fighter

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The Hurricane was very versatile and every mission it was assigned it was fairly effective (night fighting) to extremely effective (tank-busting). Nevertheless, it was mostly deployed in those other rolls because it's usefullness as an air-superiority fighter was waning.
It gives more of an interesting discussion if they don't. Now though I've agreed with C.C, damn. :mad:
Hey, a healthy disagreement is what makes this site so much fun. And I've got to admit, I've greatly enjoyed finding a place to discuss WWII aircraft where people actually know what they are talking about.
Well, you did tell Lanc, and basically everyone on here about the P.108 experiment with the 102mm cannon.
i think everyone's learnt allot on this site, it's obvious we al know what we're talking about (apart from you C.C.) and we could all learn allot from each other................
we should start an adveritising camping, get more people onto the site, we could stick stickers onto the side of C.C.'s car when he races...............
They are just weird then.

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