Best Fighter

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hurricane was tougher though, so i would like to be firmly placed in the cockpit of a hurricane during the early years 8)
it was easyer to fly, but lightening's right, the hurricane wasn't the best, it COULD (i but that in be to suggest that there was a chance it would, not that it would for cirtain) easily be beeten by a 109...............
Everything I've read on the two suggest that it would take either a very skilled or very lucky pilot in a Hurricane to beat a 109 one-on-one.
bf-109 is my current favourite plane, and during the later years of the war it and the spit outclassed the hurricane, but during the earlier years, the 3 planes were evenly matched 8)
I'm sorry but I just don't see how you can make that argument. The only advantage I can see is that the Hurrican was the toughest of the 3.
So why did the RAF adopt the policy of using the Spits to tangle with the 109s while the Hurricanes attacked the bombers if the Hurricane was just as good?
pft i dunno, probably because the spits were faster and more manoeverable, and ive walked into a cul de sac here ;) you win :D i still think the hurricane was the best though :D 8)
I've got no problem with you liking the Hurricane. It definitely won the BoB and deserves its due. I wouldn't dare argue against that.
Well, that was easily won. I do agree with Lightning though, the Hurricane was the more important of the two but the Spitfire was the better fighter. There were the 32 squadrons of Hurricane and 11 squadrons of Spitfire in the BoB, numbers were another factor of their success. Hurricanes also had the ease of build as one over on the Spitfire.
Even with that the Hurricane could tangle with the Bf-109 perfectly well, Hurricanes were credited with several 109 kills.

The Hurricane was easier to fly, but the Spitfire with a veteran at the controls was much more deadly than any other fighter of the war (I'm refering to late marks mostly here).
No, what do you take me for? I was talking about that discussion...argument.
Although, the Hurricane was used as a nightfighter, naval fighter, tank buster and bomber as well as fighter, with great effect.

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