CC, you change ur mind so damn often it aint even funny.... U said in earlier posts atleast 3 times that the Hurricane was ur pick.. Now its the -38....
Evan, you had stated in a previous post that the -152 was ur pick, but I can see why u changed to the Hellcat, as it is one of my favorites... But for the Hellcat in aerial combat, it was the group tactics, such as the Thatch Weave, that made the Hellcat so formidable... Plus the opposition that the Hellcat faced in the air, pilotwise, was greatly diminished...
For me the Ta-152 was and is the plane to beat... As my combined survey results show....
10 votes Ta-152H... (lesofprimus, erich, kiwimac, aussiejim, patc007, jamcam, sodenstrike, planeguy, polish, gregp)
6 votes P-51D Mustang (Pland, GrG, birdman, ahanswurst, sanantoniobob, guest)
3 votes Spit MkXIV... (johnnie, gemhorse, hotspace)
3 votes F4U-4 Corsair... (archer, corpasselberry, thorlittle)
2 votes Mossie... (lanc, bronzewhaler)
2 votes P-38L... (LG, CC)
1 vote Spit MkIX... (maestro)
Until Lanc explains his change in heart, his vote stands on the Mossie....