Best naval fighter II

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The RAF E-3s replaced the TF33 turbofans with CFM56-2A-3 turbofans which are superior to the TF33 of the 707, and American E-3s. They also have an inflight refueling probe.
On the wing tip they mounted Loral 1017 'Yellow Gate' ESM pods, the last RAF one was said to be the ultimate 707 airframe produced, which after it production of the 707 airframe ceased. The Japanese were forced to order AEW version of the 767, using E-3C equipment.
The 767s engines do create more power than the last of the 707s.
What? Are you saying the AEW is the same as the AWACS? No, it isn't.
Airborne Early Warning is to warn against attacks, and other threats in the air.
Airborne Warning and Control System, warns and controls the actions of the battlefield. They do have different jobs in the sky. But collectively will be known as the 'eye in the sky'.
We is that amazing, do you hold such a low opinion on yourself? I would think much more that it would make sense, not sence.
In any case, the Avro Shackleton AEW.2 was our main stay AEW before the failed Nimrod project, that made us buy the E-3 Sentry off the Americans. Which we, of course, improved.
The Shackleton was based off the airframe of the Avro Lincoln.

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