Best naval fighter

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hey hey, less of the country bashing
well considering the country getting country bashed is america, the country bashing is ok 8) (look, ive gone and made a weird-ass sentence with lotsa repetition!)

Reichsmarschall Batista
hey bronze,
how awkward are loads of info about the fairy swordfish but i'll be buggered if i can find anything about the bloody barracuda...tried search engines and they keep refereing to the bloody angel fish! Sent you a link anyway with a miniscule amount of info on it.....sorry cant be of more use
viper, archer, leave bronzewhaler the hell alone! my reckoning is youre too stuck up with the pride of your own country youve overlooked the facts :| and my bet is bronzewhaler knows a hell of a lot more than you do :| im not one to talk really though cos i aint the smartest of people, but one thing i can distinguish is smart people and not so smart people
I'm proud of Canada, so I don't want the British to have been involved in the design of the Corsair (which is American)...can you explain how that makes sense? Or is it because Canada's in N.America and you assume we care about the US's pride and achievements?

Or even that I care about pride? Canada's better than some countries in some ways, but in some ways it's also worse. I do not care who designed the Corsair - all I want are the plain and simple facts. And just stating something and saying you heard it on the radio/TV means very, very little in the way of it being an accurate and knowledgeable source.

I just want BronzeWhaler (or someone else) to give me a source for his information so I can take his word for it if the source sounds accurate, or look for myself if it sounds questionnable (and the BBC is not the be all end all authority on any AFAIK). Absolutely nothing I have ever seen about the Corsair mentions the British helping to design it, so I naturally will have an opposing view. I couldn't care less whether or not the Brits helped, I just want the facts, and if no one can give me an accurate and knowledgeable source, I will assume that they didn't help design the Corsair since to the best of my knowledge, they didn't.

And CC, I'm sure BronzeWhaler knows more than me since I haven't been reading into WWII planes until a year or two ago, and I have focussed on learning about the Corsair (and know very little about European planes). BronzeWhaler has said that he doesn't like American planes - so why would he spend a lot of time learning about them? What BronzeWhaler knows about other aircraft (which I'll agree, is a lot, especially those ugly biplanes ;) ) has no effect on this argument, since all we care about is the Corsair and not general WWII information, biplanes, Spitfires, Lancasters, or anything else.

I'm far from knowing all there is about Corsairs, and I simply want BronzeWhaler to substantiate his point so that I can learn more about the Corsair, since I cannot find anything that substantiates his point. Unless his point is substantiated by facts, rather than a simple claim, his point carries no weight and has no basis of truth - and this goes for every "fact" presented on this forum and anywhere else.

If anyone argues a fact I present, if I (or someone else) cannot find evidence supporting my point, I would gladly retract my point in question unless it is a well known fact. I would not expect someone to do my research for me, I would do it myself if I thought I was correct so that I could prove my point.
And I'm stay against BronzeWhaler unless someone can provide proof that the Brits did.

Guess we're done then...
Blah, I support Archer, because? He know more Corsair than I probably know and I only know some French Corsair. :D
Well I know one book (The Blue Devils US Navy and US Marines) and say something about Brits did help F4U Corsair, but I can't remember.
Well look it up ;)

Great sites BTW Hot Space, lots of great pictures and reading for later on :D
I brought it at Barne and Noble Bookstore and they pretty high to buy one which it cost over 30 bucks. So, I'll look it up then.

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