Best "Western World" post WWII Bomber

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The B-36 was cool as well!


  • b-36-7_291.jpg
    123.9 KB · Views: 572
The longest flight Ive ever done was cattle class in a 777 from Gatwick to Raleigh, NC. When I saw that pic of the B36 nose, I started thinking how much I'd have loved one of those big armchairs for that trip! I couldnt walk when I got off the damn thing! :lol:
evangilder said:
My longest flight, which happened to be in a C-130 went from Mildenhall in the UK, to greenland, then Virginia, then San Francisco, then Hawaii, then Japan and finally to Korea. UGH!

:shaking: :shaking2: :shaking:
evangilder said:
I will when I find it. Our place is in shambles right now. We are moving in three weeks, so it's chaos here.
You have my sympathies Evan, they say next too divorce and bereavement its the next most stressful thing that can happen to you ( I don't think who ever said that has had someone taking pot shots at them). Anyway when we moved we where only in for 4 hours and we had to reload the truck and move out again because somebody in the chain didn't have the right money in the bank and they had done a fiddle. We had to wait for another day then do it all again it was a bloody nightmare.

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