HMS Warspite does not belong to the group of modern BB´s represented in the list above, altough she initially was part of the fast wing concept, perhaps the earliest approach of an fast battleship. Warspite perhaps gave the best returns in terms of utilization of any battleship ever put on the seas.
The problems with her steering gear was a more severe design fault. The steering gear was modifed but basically overtaken from the preceeding Iron Duke class, altough the Queen Elizabeths should be a good 3-4 Kts faster (with almost TWICE the load on the steering gear if full rudder is applied at flank speed). Therefore, the steering gear tended to jam under full rudder, flank speed conditions (two weeks prior to Jutland, HMS Barham experienced the same rudder jam at high speed maneuvering off Scapa Flow, the issue indeed is a class wide aspect)
The radar FC issues put forward by TO are aspects but not as decisive as can be read on the website he quotes from. Radar is upgradable. So You have to be very careful to compare ships states in their same period with each other.
The best german radar set in use on a naval ship f.e. was operating on the 6 cm wavelength (Prinz Eugen). No german BB got these sets as they were inoperable by 1945. Comparing Tirpitz 1943 outfit with Iowas by mid 1945 is leading us nowhere, seriously...
Yamato´s FC was excellent, able to deliver tight patterns precisely. The Gambier Bay reports do make this clear. Yamatos nightoptics and training for nightfighting were arguably the best. Her radar was not. Radar is only ONE PART IN FIRECONTROLL, which includes optical or electromagnetic datacollection, ballistic computing, interior ballistics, gun dispersion, salvo patterns at ranges, angle of descent (the higher the shorter the area at which a shell might still hit a target), time of flight (the longer the higher the probability that an enemy ship may evade the shell, esspeccially at long range). But to understand for what radar is an advantage one should previously investigate how firecontroll solutions are obtained in a naval battle:
Predicting a target's future position is a daunting task. This is exactly why weapons in the post war era went to guided weapons. Brad Fisher thinks one of the big misunderstandings with the gunnery problem is that it isn't the target's velocity per se, it's the error in the calculated track and the attendant errors in range and bearing rate that are the primary causes for MPI errors. To get an accurate track you need not only accurate data but also a high data rate so that you reduce any lag in the track.
With the advent of continuous radar ranges (from 1938 in german sets and 1940 in british sets onwards), a proficient rangekeeper operator could track a target to with 2 degrees and 2kts. This translates to a range rate error of 19yds/minute and a bearing rate error of 67yds/minute (the latter assumes a broadside target). The problem is that early radars had discrimination problems as well as limited performance and slow rate of data transmission- early radar operators passed ranges to plot/TS via voice circuits (The first battleship to have integrated radar into it´s main firecontroll computer was Bismarck, and this was done late in 1940 by the AVKS with improvising means). This had two negative effects; one is that there is an obvious lag of several to tens of seconds in the reception of said ranges while the second is that there is a larger lag in waiting for the plotting of ranges and the extraction of the observed range rate.
With continuous ranges transmitted to plot – but not into the computer itself – went a long way to alleviate those two problems. Now ranges from the radar can be directly observed by the computer operator via a range indicator right next to the computer. He can "drive in" ranges as necessary and he can compare and any instant the observed range from the range indicator to the range as generated by the computer. If the two are in agreement in range and rate of movement, then the solution is good. If they two values become unsynchronized, then the target has changed course/speed and he needs to update his track. This process is much faster than that with early radars, to say nothing of optical ranges, and was further improved upon with automatic range input into the computers and range aided tracking.
Of course, radar tracking is not always a panacea. Long time of flight (TOF) couple with aggressive maneuvering could reduce effectiveness of fire considerably. A large factor in this is the target's maneuverability and the tactical situation. Often in WWII most gunnery actions were generally small unit actions with smaller, more fluid formations. Few were with "traditional" column formations (battle line). Battle of River Plate is a prime example and was a very difficult gunnery problem for both sides so I do not think that the overall hit percentages are terribly surprising. Challenges were still seen even into late 1943 when FC reached maturity, where targets were difficult to hit not because of track lag but often because the inability to spot effectively as targets were either out of spotting range or the conditions weren't favorable for blind fire (usually because the particular radar wasn't capable of doing so)
The US Navy deployed four types of fire control radar in 1941: CXAS-1/FA/Mark 1, FB/Mark 2, FC/Mark 3, and FD/Mark 4. BuShips, which made search radars used the letter designations; BuOrd, which made fire control radars used the Mark system. Thus, fire control radars had two designations - BuShips and BuOrd - and they appear to be used interchangably in the literature. Depends on how pedantic you want to be, I guess - both Stern and Howeth use the BuShips terminology.
FA went into production in June of 1941. Howeth indicates that the USN purchased 10 CXAS-1/FA sets, all earmarked for cruisers - one on Witchita, the remaining nine on light cruisers. FA was a very crude gunnery radar. The operator was required to swing the antenna back and forth manually while watching the oscilloscope, during which time he estimated the range. The FA radar performed satisfactorily when operating at peak performance, but this performance was difficult to maintain because of the relatively short life (about 75 hours) of the oscillator tubes.
In October 1941, FC was first installed in the fleet, aboard Philadelphia. As had been planned for in the Model FB, the control console and indicators were remotely located in the directors. An additional 10 FC sets were produced and installed on ships before December 7, 1941 - Saratoga got two of them. FD was designed as an anti-aircraft fire control radar, very similar to FC, but with the radar arrays stacked vertically instead of horizontally. This installation was completed prior to 22 September and on that date the Roe put to sea. Delivery of production equipment did not begin until December 1941.
CXAM was very unreliable and tended to refuse detecting ships while operating at high speed or on any any seastate larger than 3 (Lexington and Saratoga reported this). Lexington took RCA technicians with her for a gunnery shoot in October, 1941. The CXAM was out of action by the fifth 8" salvo - vibration jarred loose tubes and soldier connections. The CXAM was also a casualty on the 2nd day - gunnery knocked the power leads loose. Cracks and short circuits were also noted in the oscillator valves. These sets continued to have frequent breakdowns.
Lexington Saratoga were the first US capital ships to have these FC radar sets. Saratoga's Mark 3 installation was very early compared to when most ships got Mark 3 - she appears to be the first capital ship to receive gunnery fire control radar. It is quite possible that Saratoga would not have recieved her FC radars as early as she did if she carried 8 16" instead of 8 8". The US Navy was putting it's available fire control radars on it's screen first and the capital ships second.
Thus, unless the fight is late in December 1941 and the USN decides to give Saratoga her historical priority on FC sets, I don't expect either ship to have gunnery control radar at all - nor do I expect their surface search sets to be functional much into the engagement. Quite frankly, the main gunnery aid in 1941 will be her spotter planes, if she can launch them.
By 1942 the BB already has lost it´s importance to the CV.
BTW, the US with latewar, blindfire radar FC did not succeeded to hit a freely moving, enemy target at any distance larger than 23.000 yards. (Nowaki incident)
Scharnhorst Warspite with optical FC succeeded to hit a freely moving target at 26.000 yards+ each, representing the longest ever gunfire hits!
Good radar is great to reduce some interrelated errors in range and bearing, thus enhancing the firing solution. But radar cannot be operated in vacuum. AntiRadar-shells were to be tested in ww2 UK and Germany and radar FC did not improved hitting probabilities per se on long range engagements. The way how they were operated is much more important.
A classic example is how both battleships thought they were hitting Sendai's group with their main battery during the first phase of action. Recall that the Mk 3 radar's – upon which they were relying for spotting – have low resolution in range and bearing. From practice reports it's clear that radar spots from these sets are inaccurate and salvos spotted as straddles aren't. This is a product of the poor range resolution ± 400yds. So with that in mind I have no doubt that based on radar information they thought they were hitting even though they weren't.
P.S.: many thanks to Bill Jurens, Brad Fisher Tiornu
best regards,