Best World war two warships? (1 Viewer)

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I know, that's why there was no offensive armament, but it would have been useful to carry somthing capable of intercepting Swordfish.

Still though, if the Germans had developed aircraft carriers (not Air-ship/Zepplin carriers) along with their other naval tech just prior to the war, it could have been bad for the Allies. Can you immagine a coordinated carrier-based attack (along with the land-based attacks) durring the Battle of britain?
What if the carriers were used out of range of RAF fighters? Attacking British shipping coordinated with the handful of submarines available. Probably wouldn't have changed the outcome, but probably alot more damage done before the end.
Ar-196´s were not designed to, but occassionally did fight carrier planes. Tirpitz scrambled two Ar-196 late in 1942, which engaged Fairy Albacore´s. The two Ar-196 were able to put up a shortliving fight until the scouting Albacores found shelter in cloud cover. The Albacores weren´t designed to be used as a fighter, either.
But I don't think the Ar-196's used on the Bismark had offensive guns, just the rear MG 15 and were strictly recon a/c. From what I read (Wikipedia mind you) it was the later, land-based versions which carried a foreward armament as heavy as a single MG 17 and 2x MG FF cannons. Of course I don't know a lot on this and if you know otherwise I'd be glad to hear it.

On the other hand, all models of Swordfish and Albacores carried a single foreward .303 machine gun in addition to rear mounts (up to 2 .303 rear guns in the Albacore), not much but better than nothing and useful for ranging in for bombing, though not much for torpedo runs.
And I guess the couldn't take off from the water either. (no wat to lower them)

How were the Ar-196's retreived after a mission. Was there a retrieval crane? If so it may have been possible to lower them into the water for take-off, though the water may have been too rough.

Yes the Ar 196's could take off from the water. There was a crain to retrieve them and therefore it could lower them.

however, Bismarck couldn´t launch any Ar-196 due to the problem of the damaged launch catapult.

I have allways wondered why they did not just lower them into the water to launch them unless the seas were to heavy at the time.
I have seen and touched the Prinz Eugen (sister ship to the Bismark) it is in the Marshall Islands close to Kwajaleine missle range it is capsized with screws exposed off the atoll of Carlos (Eniwebegan)in around 100 feet of water.
Germany retrieved the screws (props) and returned them to the motherland. There are also alot of Liberty concrete ships troop transporters around the area also. Just thought I would let you know I saw it. Don
Prinz Eugen was a heavy cruiser so could not be a sister ship to Bismarck, a battleship. Bismarck's sister ship was Tirpitz. Perhaps you meant she was Bismarck's consort.
battle ship: yamato
hevy curser:Us kind
light curser:US kind with 5in guns
destoryer:felchter class
sub:USS nautalis
carrier:USS enterpirse
pt boat: US kind
I have nominated the best Allied, the best Axis, and then the best overall
Allied: Essex
Axis: Zuikaku
Overall: Essex
Allied: Colossus
Axis: Zuiho
Overall: Colossus
Allied: Attacker
Axis: Taiyo
Overall: Attacker
Allied: Iowa
Axis: Yamato
Overall: Yamato
Allied Hood
Axis: Scharnhorst
Overall Hood
CA/CS (Pocket Battleship)
Allied: Boston
Axis: Nachi
Overall Boston
Allied Brooklyn
Axis: Abruzzi
Overall Brooklyn
Allied Atlanta
Axis Akitsuki
Overall Akitsuki
Allied Gearing
Axis Shimakaze
Overall Shimakaze
Allied Le Fier
Axis Matsu
Overall Matsu
Allied MTB 511 (93 ft Vosper type)
Axis: S-100 (114 ft type)
Overall S 100
Allied Gato
Axis Type XXI
Overall Type XXI
Prinz Eugen was a heavy cruiser so could not be a sister ship to Bismarck, a battleship. Bismarck's sister ship was Tirpitz. Perhaps you meant she was Bismarck's consort.

Good catch. I am surprised I did not catch that. The only sister ship the Bismarck had was the Tirpitz.

I am sure though is talking about escort.
flyboy, are you saying that the US CLs with 5 inch guns were the best CLs? Those were built for use as AA cruisers and were really handicapped in a surface action.
Parsifal, not a bad list. Good pics in there.

Not sure about the destoyer pics though. Granted, I'm partial to the Gearings (served on one) but the Shimakaze looked like an updated 30s design. Granted, it was big and fairly fast. But it looks like a wet ride.

More like an oversized torpedo boat than a fleet destroyer.

Maybe it shows a different design philosophy.

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