both those books would serve me pretty damn well, i need to do some online shopping, but first i need some funds for this shopping, i have too many projects running as it is, warship models, aircraft models, learning how to paint, a girlfreind, and gas, and guess whats next, no job.
hypothetical battle. Richleu *butchered spelling but thats allright, ill just refer to it as R) against Bismarck. According to this website R was better than the Bismarck but come on, the comparison must seriously not consider the combat effectiveness of these vessels. The R has all guns concentrated forward, like the nelsons, making them easy to knock out all main battery fire power with one shell hit. She had good underwater protection, and decent armor, but i doubt the crew would be well trained, considering the french navy had languished somewhat in training, building speeds and such. Bismarck now, amazing ship, my opinion best BB of the atlantic. Fast, well armed and can certainly, as was proven, take a pounding and a half. If she could get behind R (its french, come on it was pracitally made to run) then it would easily win. if R were to trun, it would be the same as the yamato vs iowa scenario, the pursuer would have a manouvering and firepower advantage, and could close range quickly and fire more rounds. i would easily take bismarck