Best WW2 Fighter Pilot Poll Round 2

Best Pilot Pt. 2

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

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along with flying the Bf 109, Fw 190, Me 262 and trained to fly bombers and the Ju 52 in 1937 and as commander of a jet fighter school at Lechfield in January 1945, he flew the He 162 apparently.

Bar gets my vote!
some compelling arguements in the last poll and I'm going to reserve my vote for a while
Changed my vote from the first poll (Hartmann) to Hans-Joachim Marseille this time. Tough choice since "Bubi" is my personal favorite.

158 kills, all in the West in 382 missions.

Bar ain't too bad either.

Not sure who to vote for?

Then vote for Pappy Boyington! A vote for Pappy means a vote for Free Beer!


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Voted Marseille again, to go against the standard opinion and leave the elections open :twisted: Furthermore I believe he was a s good as Bar, but unlike the latter unfortunately died in an accident for which he wasn't to blame.
Well, I continue to give my vote to Heinz Bar, as stated previously.....

"Participated in the air war from start to finish, flew on all fronts, flew all the primary fighters, fought against all types of enemy in all kinds of conditions and continued to rack up kills anywhere,any time, 220 is not a bad effort, I think!"

The pilots who continued scoring after changing between multiple theatres and lived to tell the tale are few and far between.......
Hello everybody,

greetings from a new forum member.

According to the forwarded list I would go along with Heinz Baer, however it struck my mind, that there was a Luftwaffe Pilot who downed 40 or more four-engined bombers. Would anyone of you remember his name? If so I would like to forward that pilot as the No.1

Besides the vote list the best Pilot could be my uncle (old time family friend -not really related) he flew as fighter pilot from 1939 till the very end of 45. Among the planes he flew was also the Ta-152, and the best part is; he never got shot down nor did he shot down anybody - (according to his say)


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Hello everybody,

greetings from a new forum member.

According to the forwarded list I would go along with Heinz Baer, however it struck my mind, that there was a Luftwaffe Pilot who downed 40 or more four-engined bombers. Would anyone of you remember his name? If so I would like to forward that pilot as the No.1

Besides the vote list the best Pilot could be my uncle (old time family friend -not really related) he flew as fighter pilot from 1939 till the very end of 45. Among the planes he flew was also the Ta-152, and the best part is; he never got shot down nor did he shot down anybody - (according to his say)


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You can no longer add anyone to the poll. This is Pt. 2 to a poll that was allready started with the winners of the last poll.
Again you forgot the Top fw 190 ace Kittel in your list !

But its always very difficult to value who was the best pilot ( ok you can count the kills, thats easy ), but maybe a good pilot is a B-17 pilot who brought his flak crippled aircraft back, or the young german fighter pilot at the end of the war with lack of training who started with no chance of return.
Or the pilots of the 332nd FG who fought a war against 2 enemies.

I think its ok to make a poll about the aces, but we shouldnt forget the unnumbered pilots; they fulfilled their duties like the aces, too.


There was no Luftwaffe pilot who downed 40+ bombers. The closest would be Major Georg-Peter Eder who downed 36 viermots.

Aces of the Luftwaffe - Georg-Peter Eder

"On the Eastern Front he scored 10 victories and on the Western Front 68, of which no less than 36 were four-engined bombers. With the Me 262 he scored at least 24 victories (most of them couldn`t be officially confirmed). He was the leading scorer against the four-engined bombers, although Eder himself was shot down 17 times, baling out 9 times. He was wounded 14 times."

What pilot were you thinking about?

Tango, like Adler said, this is the second part of a poll. The first part invited numerous pilots for voting and this section was rounded down. You will see pilots missing from this because of that.
You can no longer add anyone to the poll. This is Pt. 2 to a poll that was allready started with the winners of the last poll.

Hello D.A.I.G. :)) it's a long name you got there

Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt the polls, so I will stick to Heinz Baer (so far he looks good in the polls).

Hello NJACO, hey thanks it was Eder correct and it was 36, sorry for the 40/40+ (actually I was thinking about the pilot maybe being Lent).

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Again you forgot the Top fw 190 ace Kittel in your list !

But its always very difficult to value who was the best pilot ( ok you can count the kills, thats easy ), but maybe a good pilot is a B-17 pilot who brought his flak crippled aircraft back, or the young german fighter pilot at the end of the war with lack of training who started with no chance of return.
Or the pilots of the 332nd FG who fought a war against 2 enemies.

I think its ok to make a poll about the aces, but we shouldnt forget the unnumbered pilots; they fulfilled their duties like the aces, too.



No we did not forget anyone in the polls. These are the winners of the last poll which was a much larger poll that you could also add pilots too.

The is the 2nd Round and we are going to dwindle it down until we have our forums top pilot.
Kruska, no problem. Unless, like you say, it might have been a night-fighter. Forgot about that myself. They were bombers like Lancs and Wellingtons, etc. Could be Lent with 102 night and 8 day victories.

Who was your uncle?

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