Bf-110 Analysis

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Aug 21, 2006
File provided by Nachtflieger (Thanks Again). This is for those who could not figure out the mega load system or want smaller files. Basically I took out all the blank pages and made the file more compact. Interesting document in English.

Enjoy Micdrow


  • ME-110 Part 1.pdf
    29.1 MB · Views: 794
  • bf110-3.jpg
    25.7 KB · Views: 979
  • ME-110 Part 2.pdf
    26.7 MB · Views: 647
Thanks for doing this Micdrow, I tried breaking them down but couldn't manage it.

Also, here's a smaller pdf that came with the CD of the analysis, its instructions on flying, though not a full manual.


  • ME110-114C-S.pdf
    14.1 MB · Views: 541
Does anyone know if there is an analysis of the bf109 like this one. Very nice, thank you for providing this information. B.
We spend Hundred Thousand of money to Buy Original documentation and transfer in electronic format furthermore we make this available @ lower price is available on the market and you give for free
You destroy the possibility to save this document Why we should invest money and time to do and create resource to save aircraft Heritage if you stolen or do not give value of works of some one that is trying to give opportunity to share this data with worlds . I might be wrong but you are killing the future of this... Aircraft History . You act Like Cannibal that eat a dead body S Publishing
We spend Hundred Thousand of money to Buy Original documentation and transfer in electronic format furthermore we make this available @ lower price is available on the market and you give for free
You destroy the possibility to save this document Why we should invest money and time to do and create resource to save aircraft Heritage if you stolen or do not give value of works of some one that is trying to give opportunity to share this data with worlds . I might be wrong but you are killing the future of this... Aircraft History . You act Like Cannibal that eat a dead body S Publishing
I'm goning to tell you straight up - ****OFF. You're the ****ing cannibal coming on this forum complaining about this ****. With that said I suggest you take your ignorant pissant whining elsewhere.
We spend Hundred Thousand of money to Buy Original documentation and transfer in electronic format furthermore we make this available @ lower price is available on the market and you give for free
You destroy the possibility to save this document Why we should invest money and time to do and create resource to save aircraft Heritage if you stolen or do not give value of works of some one that is trying to give opportunity to share this data with worlds . I might be wrong but you are killing the future of this... Aircraft History . You act Like Cannibal that eat a dead body S Publishing

Your comments are interesting, but to be honest wrong in my option. When I started here it was help create this data base and to help other's to do research and for them to add to the data base to keep history alive and not kill it. Most of the data is all over the internet and not in one location.

Personally I think its working. Many people have contributed stuff to this area to make it what it is. The US Airforce and US Army museums are offering documents for free, no charge off the internet, not in all topics but the very common ones. Yet I can find multiple companies on the internet chargeing for the very same things. The Japanese archive, Fisher Tropic Archive, Helsinki University libary and the National Archives in Australia are all opening there archives on the internet for free to.

Ive just uploaded things that are interesting about aviation to this area and other web sites on the web to create one central format and those that wish to contribute who cant figure it out then I try and help them.

I guess if you dont like it then dont read it.

lucky one or you are lucky, scarfing published sources for resale while anyone on this board including myself can go purchase them at a modest fee from the archive's. They are not confidential just like the old US fighter group after mission reports, one of our members has a site up with many such copied reports for any one to view and copy. If you are lucky enough to visit nara or another outlet the information is there, one just to look it up ........

what sheer nonsense
What I think is funny is this not so LuckyOne here complains that putting up manuals for free is destroying it for people who collect them. No I think giving them for free is not destroying it. It is helping them get to the people.

Also LuckyOne you do not own the documents. Did you originally make them? No. Were you teh designer of the aircraft? No. Did you write the manuals? No. Therefore they do not belong to you. So take your bullshit and **** yourself!

I hear what you're saying, your point is that a heritage restoration society buys a copy of the originals, converts them to digital format and then repackages and sells to interested members of the public and then uses the generated revenue to fund the restorarion of the plane... The problem you perceive is that in offering this free resource it cuts of this revenue stream.

You're wrong... because when buying merchandise from restoration society stalls at airshows it's more than just getting hold of a manual in pfd...
When offering a CD of a particular planes restoration you should be looking to bundle in more than just one aspect of it..

Films detailing the history of this type of plane that leads to the history of your particular project.
Stats and figures for the plane.
Photographs showing the restoration process.
The pilots manual.
Society Mechandising
And possibly links to flight sims / skin downloads for your plane

Holding tight fisted onto data about the plane, withholding it from the general public but at a cost doesn't help keep history alive it simply makes it fester in a dark corner... Let the light in, let people see it and get interested and maybe you'll get people interested in helping financialy.

And let's face it there's nothing to stop you from packageing up the manuals from here, adding extta content and reselling them on a CD at a cost that covers materials and time + a small donations to the cause...

Yes they're free here so why would people buy your CD ?

Because they want to contribute in some small way maybe.

I had album records... it didn't stop me from buying the same album in CD or buying the 'best of' album that contained the same song.

I agree. If money is going to a restoration project I would still spend money to help out. Why because I love the damn things! However having them here for free does not stop you from doing so.
I think you will find most of those on this forum do it for the love of it...not a business. That might be where you went wrong. I love aircraft history and will never be a millionaire. To paraphase; its a huge hole in the sky in which I pour money into.
I gotta agree with Njaco, some where something has to give or nothing is learned and what has been learned is lost through the age of time. Know it sounds goofy but its very true. Stick around. We can all learn from each other.
Hi everyone, I just jump in the technical/flight test data section.
I've seen that there are some different point of view about manuals selling. Having yet experienced the approach of some others sellers in this field, I guess is better for me to spent a little few words about my idea and about my projects.
Yes, I'm selling manuals too trough, some of them are free of copyright and you could find for free in some public archives (like the Air Ministry in Rome) some other comes from the Caproni private collection. and the Caproni family is owner of the copyright too (I guess that could be hard find some of them elsewhere). They gave these documents to me in order to obtain more visibility for the work of their father.
Yes, I'm asking money for the manuals but I would like to explain that these funds goes (better, will go) just to cover (a little part of) the travel expensis (I'm in Finland, the archive is in Italy).
During my travels I collect also documentation for an Italian museum (that hopefully will receive my collection once fully open), a Slovenian restoration group (that is working on a flying Nieuport 17 replica) and some ongoing projects (a comparative study of WWI air war on Italian/AustroHungarian front and a book about WWI aviation technology and aricraft performances). This obviously for free.
I hope that in the near future this activity allows me to publish more books (and possibly to not lose money, as in the case of my first two), encourage people to start writing or helps some other groups in restoration projects.

All this, just to say that is not for everyone just a matter of money.....

Well, if you know the Caproni family try to get some real interesting stuff like the Re.2005 Catalogo Nomenclatore, the Piaggio PXIX engine manual (mounted on the Re.2002) or the performance tests of the 2000 Series fighters.

Everything else is already well known on the web and available as a PDF.

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