Bf109E Werk Nr. sequence ?

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Benevolens Magister
Aug 24, 2008
Cheshire, UK
Has anyone got a listing of the Werk Nr. blocks for the '109E1 to E4 ?
I'm sure I've got one somewhere, but I've searched all my books and can't find it !
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
Not sure about the first part but found this on the 12 o'clock high forum

Mtt Regensburg E-4s
WNr.2724* - 2806
WNr.3701 - 3764 (E-4/B E-4/BN)
*I'm not shure at which WNr. this block starts

Erla Leipzig E-4s
WNr.1575 - 1659
WNr.1980 - 2063 (70 E-4/B)
WNr.4091 - 4222 (26 E-4/B, 106 E-7)

WNF E-4s
WNr.5260 - 5300
WNr.5326 - 5400
WNr.5559 - 5600 (32 were upgraded to E-4/B by Arado)
WNr.5791 - 5823 (all E-4/B)
WNr.5891 - 5919 (E-4/B E-4/N)


Mtt Regensburg E-7s
WNr.3765 - 3827

Fieseler E-7s
WNr.6402 - 6500
WNr.7661 - 7696

WNF E-7s
WNr.5920 - 5985 (66 E-7, 3 E-7/N 17 E-7/Z)
WNr.6501 - 6523

There are also another 46 E-7s, bulit by Arado within a mixed block Wnr.4801 - 4975.

Seeking factories tied to W.Nr. blocks for Bf 109E-4 and E-7 - Luftwaffe and Allied Air Forces Discussion Forum
That's great H, thanks very much. It should help with most of what I need, just got to find a similar list for the E3. The E1 is not really that important to my requirements, more the E3 and E4 batches.

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