Big bombers.

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The whole effectiveness of aircraft such as the B-2 and F-117 Stealth-Fighter is to clear out the SAMs and anti-aircraft defences so that conventional aircraft can operate more effectively. So far as I am aware the first few missions of the Iraqi Freedom campaign involved B-2s and F-117s scouting and destroying Iraqi SAM and aircraft defence sites so that the other aircraft could come in and do their work. These stealth aircraft are necessary to undertake work for protecting conventional aircraft that come in later.

I don't believe the B-2 was used in Desret Storm, it was used over Kosovo.
The whole idea of the B2 was to hunt the Russian mobile ICBM's. The conventional role for it was a second thought. Its synthetic aperature radar was to be used to look for the big chassis hidden in the forests, that these missles needed. Nuke tipped short range missles would be used to destroy them (as well as any Air defenses that werent already obliterated by other nukes).

The B2 was designed during the cold war for nuclear warfare. Fortunatley, it has been able to adapt to the conventional role with no problems.
Precisely, many pilots found out just how dangerous radar and SAM site destruction could be in Vietnam where large numbers of aircraft were destroyed by these sites. Therefore it has already become aware that the conventional aircraft is becoming rapidly unable to function well on the modern battlefield without all or the majority of radar and SAM sites being destroyed first. It seems that a low radar signature may be an advantage in tracking the emissions from these sites and destroying them. Hence the B-1, B2 and F-117 all have new roles.

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