Blank pages and new search pop up?

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Nov 16, 2008
Since the last site upgrades, I've noticed that some pages load blank. When I hit the back button and reload, it's fine.

Probably not related but something new I noticed is this new pop-up now happening on every page load. Is this just me? (Note, my internet was down yesterday and is back up today and that's when this started.

The popups are my problem so disregard. Don't know what happened but I'm getting them everywhere.

The blank pages deserve investigation.
Andy, in the pic above I can't see any blank page. To be honest I get a blank page from time to time too. Refreshing of it helps every time. However it is a net browser responsible for displaying of sites. So I would check its settings firstly. If there was aproblem with your server it might have caused the problem. But I'll check on the board via the ACP although nothing has been changed.
Yes my friend. I've noticed that there are no longer 'real' adverts on the forum, just either coloured title blocks for ads (two at the top of each page),in green boxes, or sometimes something like, for example, 'a car', 'b best car', shown in blue.
EDIT: At the moment, this page is showing 'a Error', 'b Error 14', in blue.
I'm using adblock as well but it doesn't stop these pop-ups. I know the pop-ups aren't a site issue. Tried everything on Google Chrome help but nothing's fixed it. Also ran a virus scan twice - nada.

Wojtek, the screenshot I posted was intended to show the pop-up which takes up the left side of every post. F!cking annoying.

The blank pages started with me as soon as the last bunch of mods were done a few weeks ago.
I've got the same thing regarding the blank page Andy, also using Chrome, but on a Mac. Definitely something to do with the site. I get it with Facebook as well. That said, it only started with Facebook after I installed AdBlock, so that could have something to do with it as well.
I've been getting the occasional blank page on Firefox and IE but not the iPad, but when a page loads up blank, I just refresh the page and it appears without a hitch.

I did notice that you have to double-click the "go back" button now. Took me a few times to figure that one out!

I do have a boe to pick about the Chikta pop-up ad, though. That POS fails to load occasionally and when it does, it stalls the page from loading in Firefox AND if that weren't fun enough, it floats half-way up the page on the iPad (Safari browser) blocking my view of the page content. Half the time, I can press the "X" and make it go away, but when I can't, I just leave the site and go do other things.

Life's too short, ya' know?

Me to on both counts, thought it was just my temperamental machine.

The most ( about 99% ) problems with displaying of pages is caused by the Adblock soft or incorrect settings of either the net browser or the Adblock. As it was mentioned by Cory he got it with the Facebook site too. So it can't be problem with the site only because it happens to others too. Also I have been getting the blank page on the Firefox from time to time. I have check on it and the problem is that there are lost the sources of a such page. It may happen because of blocking of a couple of a page elements eg.. adds. It would indicate the problem with the Adblock rather than the site. Refreshing of the page helps usually like GG said.

As far as the Chikta pop-up is concerned... I have added it to the Adblock list for blocking. No the pop-up windows so far.

If you want you always can stop blocking either for the site or for the site only. I hope enybody knows how to use the Adblock , I mean , adding of an element for blocking and making the option disabled.

Actually, I don't remember the name of the one I removed. Tried a scan with Malware bytes and it found 57 instance of this guy:

Removing those files did the trick.

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