Blokes behind the posts

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Dont be like that Skim it,s goner be a tough old life what with no more shift work or going on courses or recertification for this that and the other
or having to attend yet another funeral of a work mate whos popped his clogs before his time I shall miss all that like a hole in the head .
Ive got plans to buy a place in Spain in the Costa Almeria theres a mountain range that backs onto the sea and the missus and I go there every year it has an average of 330 days of sunshine infact were off there in May (we rent a villa).
I also want to go back to vist the wifes cousin in Victoria BC. Last time we went I never did all the things I wanted too so next time im goner do Whale watching ,hitch a lift on the mail plane to Kamloops ect and land on the glacier. near Lake louis.
Im sure your time will come Skim you didnt say if you have kids ours left home some years ago. all of a sudden our disposable income shot up it was great, the wife even treated herself to a little sports Coupe
well im 47 and live in michigan. i've loved warbirds for as long as i can remember. as you can see by my name my father flew out of polebrook england with the 351st bg on b-17's. he flew 35 missions as a navigator. this little hobby of mine drives my wife nuts, i have books,videos,prints diecast aircraft,all from ww2 including most flight sims. also my wife's uncle flew over 120 missions in p-47's with 57th fighter squadron. he also participated in the palm sunday massacre flying p-40's out of north africa. my occupation is sales and my wife does marketing. thanks.
,sorry, also my favorite a/c is of course the 17 and fighters would be the 47,51,190,spit and typhoon,hell i love them all!
I'm 38 and was born and raised in Silicon Valley. I Attended U.C. Berkeley for undergraduate work in Political Science and Jurisprudence and then earmed a law degree at U.C. Davis. I practice at a law firm in Redwood City (near Oracle's headquarters).

As a little kid, I fell in love with the P-47. It was big, fast, rugged, heavily armed, reliable and able to absorb tremendous punishment. In short, it embodied everthing I admired in a fighter.

I really enjoy all of your contributions on this forum. I have learned a great deal and look forward to learning a great deal more.
GRG, how the heck can you be freezing? You're in southern California!

Hey trackend, Spain sounds great! I've never been there. Your wife has cousins in Victoria, eh? I lived in Colwood for two years (just outside Victoria) and it's a great city. All of Vancouver Island is beautiful, but it's getting damned expensive nowadays!
The BC interior is nice too, but I've never been to Kamloops.
They where advertising trips on the mail seaplane Skim, by the Victoria harbour up to the various communities in the Kamloops area i thought it would be a nice way to look around and as ive never flown from water it would be a bit of fun too.
All you guys seem to be very well educated makes me feel like a right plank (stupid). Skim you said that I made you jealous cause i was thinking of retiring but I can assure you Ive always admired people who can apply themselves in the academic field and getting a degree is no mean feat My wife spent two years doing hers and boy was I proud of her when she went too recieve it so well done you lot and keep up the good work you fellas who are studying. Its a bloody lot quick to climb the tree if you have a good eduction than the long route that I took.
I'm 23, live in Gdansk (where the II world war started), Poland, I study advertisement, earlier in artist class in my highschool, interested in aviation and shipping for a long time as I was still a kid. My favourite is... hmmm... well I like all II w.w. planes
Nice to meet all the people posting here... hope I can learn more and more things from all you experienced guys... seems like I landed in the right place... Hope you gave me the landing clearence...
I feel it was a very inspired idea of Jank to put this up as a really engenders respect when we can all get to learn alittle of each other through this honourable interest of WWII Aviation....

Actually there are few people who share this pasion, but those who do are indeed special. My opinion si that they love WW2 aviation for what it meant, a great leap in aviation tehnology, rather than for what it's purpouse during the war has been...
Ok I'll introduce myself as I have been watching this interesting thread unfold. First I am old enough to be everyones father on these forums.......

second I have seen enough war but it has not been a deterent for me in my research for lost cousins on my mothers side. My interest actually stemmed from an uncle serving in the US infantry from Normandie till war's end and his findings of whom of the familie served in the German armed forces : 3 in the German Heer, 2 in the Luftwaffe, one a night fighter ace and Kommandeur and the other an Unteroffizier with only 3 missions with 5./JG 301 before he was KIA in November of 44. Over these many years when I was able to understand the events of the time in the early 1960's my passion unfolded and becuase of familie connections in Germany I was able and still am to have interviewed through phone, letter and by e-mail many German veterans as well as US veterans serving in then USAF.

In the process of co-authoring several books on the Luftwaffe air battles over the Reich and have helped other researchers from Germany put together their own personal works that have been published. I find a great honour in being asked.

hail from Oregon, USA, married to a blonde, green eyed, gorgeous babe', two kids, and two wonderful grand-daughters.

Always here to educate, and of course to learn from others......

Beste Grüße

Erich ~
Erich... Nonskimmer is right... I trully respect you for what you are, for what you have lived through, and for what your legasy is...
I would respectfuly ask if you could give me the names of some of your books as I am intrested in reading them...
Erich said:
Ok I'll introduce myself as I have been watching this interesting thread unfold. First I am old enough to be everyones father on these forums.......

Thank gawd for that Erich I was getting worried . Now I can pass the wrinkly award on to you.
Indeed Nonskimmer... that is what I meant...right.. I just aprooved with your oppinion that he probably is the most experienced person here... I defanately am not...

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