Yep, 'Yellow 10' was one of those I'd spotted in the Jagdwaffe series, but I need to verify a date. This series, excellent though it is, has a couple of questionable areas though, not least it dealing with the Battle into 1941 ! The official British history records the dates of the BoB from 10 July to 31 October 1940 which, as we all know, is open to interpretation!
Personally, I feel the BoB 'as we know it', continued at least until late November, possibly early December, when the daylight Frei Jagd and Jabo raids continued which, although nowhere near as intense as the previous daylight attacks, still gave cause for Fighter Command to launch sorties to combat the raiders. After this time, with the emphasis being on night attacks, considered in British history as a separate 'battle', normally just refered to as 'The Blitz', those raids undertaken in daylight don't really warrant being included in the title 'Battle of Britain' , if only due to their 'sporadic' and weak nature. Rather, they could be considered 'engagements', or 'fights', rather than a 'battle', as subsequent daylight incursions eventually were.
I think it's going to be a concensus of opinion from the members as to which dates are being used for the five phases of the BoB, for the purposes of the GB. For my part, I would say from 10 July to end of November, and nothing later, otherwise it will be difficult to draw a line as to when the BoB actually did end, as virtually any daylight incursion up to and including 1944 could be construed as a continuation of the battle!