The key words being towards the end of the BOBThe Luftwaffe had drop tanks during the battle of Britain. Me 109E4/B and Me 109E7N/B came into service towards the end of the battle of Britain.
I think we can agree that this would have been a really bad ideaThe structural work had already been done on the Me 109E1/B but it had been for a bomb. It apparently could carry a fuel tank but it couldn't be jettisoned.
Actually you haven't. There were a number of opportunities during the war for the 15 in (or any other gun) to open fire on naval targets but failed to hit anything. Dieppe was one chance, during the BOB itself RN forces ranging from MTB up to R class battleships sailed up and down the North Sea without being hit.I've already dealt with the other issues such as why a 15" gun might hit a Battleship or cruiser 25-30km away but not a coaster that is 5% the size and 35km-50km away and below the horizon. The channel seems to be 35km at its narrowest.