Bomber command plane you would fly.

Which bomber command plane would you fly if you had the choice?

  • Stirling

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Whitley

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  • Blenheim

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hampden

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wellington

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Most of us DO cherish our chances of survival if ''we were in Bomber Command,'' for so many of us to have made the same instant choice I did when was indeed a unique aircraft of it's time, especially when virtually every Mosquito in Bomber Command carried no guns, relying on speed and agility for survival...For all those crews who flew, each knowing they barely had a pistol for self-defence, man, that took courage, of the stainless-steel kind, especially the Pathfinders who marked through the raids from all levels....

Depending on taste for adrenalin, what do you guys reckon would have appealed to you, flying Mosquitos in which branch of Bomber Command ?

For example, the Light Night Strike Force, a special branch comprising all Mosquitos, was a fast growing force by the end of the War, especially on the Berlin run, and were counted as a Main Force raid.....

For myself, the pre- and post- Photo Reconnaissance or Meteorlogical Flights were of great fascination; all-weathers, altitudes, high and low, the art of evasion, etc.etc.......


  • raf_487__nz__sqn._-_on_the_hunt..._269.jpg
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and if you want a really classey way to die in a whitley? go for a parchute jump out the hole cut in the floor, smash your face on the way out so badly you're in too much pain to pull your chute and land, no, it really did happen :lol:
DerAdlerIstGelandet said:
What kind of music do you listen to. If its Heavy Metal can I have your CD collection?

i only listen to local music, and besides, i lost most of my
CDs since i moved in, the arpenters stole 'em

a bloody way to die is to smash out of the side of a whitley and get :shock: by the propellers.... :D
Id be in a naval wing. Dont know exactly what they did but i have always loved naval patrol planes and squadrons.
cheddar cheese said:
If I wanted to die id play Russian Roulette, by bailing out of a P-38. (Plane, not gun ;) )

The P-38 was no more dangerous to bail out of than any other aircraft. Zenos has a video that shows a normal bailout and the pilot clears by 5 or so feet. Also the enevator is not only at the same relative height to the cockpit/wing as other fighters it is further away from the trailing edge of the wing giving added clearence. A good place to see this is the Planes and Pilots of WWII web page and the "Is Size a Dissadvantage" article. The P-38 is dangerous to bail out of rumor is just a rumor and thats all!

I don't want to kill myself, I was just making suggestions. Anyway I would agree about taking a Battle in at low level over France in 1940, you would be almost certain to be shot down and at least injured.

And as I said earlier in this thread I would fly a Mossie (NF or Intruder).
Halifax or WEllingto;n, would be my pick. To fly over Canada as a trainning pilot or ferry pilot over the atlantic.

A Halifax with coastal comand ;)

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