Bomber crash site, type unknown, help needed

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I'll have to try from home this evening.... looks like the voestalpine doesn't allow the page to be opened, all I get is an Error 500 on The United States Army Air Forces in W.W.II

See you later....

Na ja, warum die Seite nicht angezeigt werden kann, weiss nur Gott:lol:
Vielleicht am Server blockiert.
Back to English- I´m sure you´ll be able to get in on your home PC.
Ok, here are the new pictures of most of the parts we found....

@seesul, thanks for resizing the pictures, it works from the home pc....

Here's Part 3


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Part 4


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part 6


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part 7-1 found in 30cm depth.... some kind of cloth, looks and feels a little like aramid or kevlar...very stiff


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Part 7-4


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That was it till now, we have only just begun to search.... The site is 450 meters from our farmhouse....

I need a good metal detector (I bought mine for 45€ on ebay, bad stuff)... Any good ideas?

Next search will probably be this sunday...

Roman, will you post the pictures in the other website or should I (I haven't registered there yet, but that wouldn't be a problem)

Justmic - the oval part - does it appear to be an oval "rail" with rounded "nuts" riveted to it?

The stiff "kevlar" type stuff may be fiberglass or even canvas.
seriously this can be confirmed as shot down by Flak or heavy German a/c ? do we have a date and year yet for the downing ??

Gruß E ~
thats exactly what it is like.... What do you think it could be?

The stiff stuff is more like canvas with a thin coating on it...
no date or year yet...this will take a few weeks, we don't want to wake sleeping dogs here...
But it was definatly downed by the St. Valentin Flak...I will Post maps and area fotos tomorrow...
thats exactly what it is like.... What do you think it could be?

The stiff stuff is more like canvas with a thin coating on it...

I believe that oval piece is a fuel bay access on a B-24. PBYs had a similar part. It could be found on the B-24 lower wing. (see below)

The canvas could be insulation that was used around electrical load centers. I've been trying to find a photo of one on a B-24.


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