Yes, I know, but it still was a device used to defeat German radars, in that particular case by giving the intruder advance warning of the nightfighters approach. Mossies had a standard tactic designed to turn the tables on the LW as part of the bomber stream, making out or foxing that they were one of the lumbering behemoths. Once the interceptor got to within about 1000 yds astern or even less (depending on the nerve of the Mosquito pilot, the AI Mk X would be quickly switched on, the Mosquito would open the thottle and carry out a relatively violent half roll and tight turn. The LW fighter would fairly quickly lose its radar fix on the Mosquito and in any event could not match the speed or turn rate of the Mosquito. They would usually panic and dive often smashing into the ground as they did. if they did not the Mosquito, with its far more efficient radar fit and near 180 search arcs would quickly re-aquire the interseptor and get on his tail, move into position astern of him and shoot him down.
Approximately 600 NJGs were shot down in this way., and it is believed several thousand more lost to accidents as a result of the extreme stress these tactics (and equipment placed them under). Staggeringlythere were only ever about 150 Mosquitoes mployed in this highly successful campaign.
Approximately 600 NJGs were shot down in this way., and it is believed several thousand more lost to accidents as a result of the extreme stress these tactics (and equipment placed them under). Staggeringlythere were only ever about 150 Mosquitoes mployed in this highly successful campaign.