Bombers to bomb NYC???

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Senior Airman
Sep 25, 2006
I found this during my readings and was wondering if anyone could shead any light on this article?

It is from the Washington Post dated June 29, 1945.

Which base would this be and what type of aircraft were there and where were they taken to and examined?


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It would have been a one way trip, from what I understand. There were a lot of wonder weapons that were on paper, or in progress when the war ended. It was the last desperate moves to try and delay the inevitable.

I honestly don't think it would have changed much if they had even succeeded in bombing New York. Fighters and anti-aircraft would be put in the area and any war industries would be moved out of range.

The ability to bomb New York would have not been a way to turn defeat into victory.
The idea and plans were in place. Actually several plans were in place. If it would have been possible is up for debate though.

A good book to read on the topic is:

LUFTWAFFE OVER AMERICA - The Secret Plans to Bomb the United States in World War II by Manfred Griehl

ISBN: 1-85367-608-X
Yes I have that one plus Target: America-Hitler's plans to attack the United States plus Messerschmitt Me 264 Amerika bomber and others.

Still what base is the one mentioned and what are the aircraft?
While the Germans tried to bomb New York city, the Japanese on the other hand tried to bomb Oregon and California not with long range bombers but with so type of balloons packed with explosives. I read this some time ago and I do not have any further details but of one thing I'm sure, we were really lucky by having two vast oceans protecting us.
Something Delcyros has brought up on the forum several times, most recently here:

The most dangerous weapon the Germans had available (and possibly the most dangeous WMD available in quantity with any country in WWII) would be their stocks of refined botulinum toxin.

We had a similar discussion going here:

Another ting brought up in this thread: was the relative effectiveness of the early Nuclear weapons available durring the war. (they were similart in yeild to tactical Nukes by modern or even mid-1950's standards) They woeked well aganst Japanese cities for largely the same reason as incendiary bombs. (light wooden structures)
Except very near to ground zero, any stone/brick structures would be relatively unharmed. Of course there's the fallout t wory about, but the level of destruction would be significantly less than with Japan.

But on the topic of the "amerika bomber" this thread had some discussion on it:
And especially this one:
The whole idea of bombing America from Europe seems like a last desperate move for Nazi Germany but given the fact that Germany had very innovative designs; who knows what would had happen if the war would had continue for at least two more years.
It probably would not have looked much like that. They would not have been able to carry that many bombs and still have the range. Besides by that point the defensive fighters would have probably already been all over them.
I vaguely recall reading years ago, that the Norwegian airfield was Gardermoen. Perhaps JU88A1 (Guttorm), our Norwegian friend, can shed some light on this, as he is based there!
uhm correct me if I'm wrong but didn't they design the Arado Ar 234 to bomb the New York and other cities, I've read somewhere and trying to locate that place now where it said that but I have read it
uhm correct me if I'm wrong but didn't they design the Arado Ar 234 to bomb the New York and other cities, I've read somewhere and trying to locate that place now where it said that but I have read it

Okay, I will correct you...:D

Ask yourself how the Ar 234 (first jet powered bomber) was going to bomb New York with a range of 1,100 km (684 miles)? It did bomb other cities though, since you said it was designed to bomb New York and other cities.


Sorry I am just having a little fun with you. Seriously though, the Ar 234 was not designed to bomb the United States, its range was no where even close.
lol you dont have to be sorry DerAdler, guess I'm the one to apologize for stupid answer...but I was watching a show on History channel and it described some german bomber not the Amerika bomber that was going to get to New York
lol you dont have to be sorry DerAdler, guess I'm the one to apologize for stupid answer...but I was watching a show on History channel and it described some german bomber not the Amerika bomber that was going to get to New York

Aircraft that were thought of for the job were:

Junkers Ju 390
Focke Wulf Fw 200
Blomm Voss Bv 222
Blomm Voss Bv 238
Messerschmitt Me 264

Out of these, I think the only realistic one would have been the Ju 390 or the Messerschmitt Me 264.
Early in the war before the Allies owned the Atlantic, they could have used seaplanes that rendezvoused with U-Boat tankers for re-fueling...

The weather would have been tricky.. perhaps they could have tried a longer, southern route to avoid the North Atlantic.

Certainly the bomb payload would have tiny but can you imagine the resources that would have been dedicated to ensure that it wouldnt happen again? I bet Carriers earmarked for the Pacific would have been re-deployed to the Atlantic.

Early in the war before the Allies owned the Atlantic, they could have used seaplanes that rendezvoused with U-Boat tankers for re-fueling...

The weather would have been tricky.. perhaps they could have tried a longer, southern route to avoid the North Atlantic.

Certainly the bomb payload would have tiny but can you imagine the resources that would have been dedicated to ensure that it wouldnt happen again? I bet Carriers earmarked for the Pacific would have been re-deployed to the Atlantic.


That was discussed in the book I mentioned above.
That was discussed in the book I mentioned above.

They stole the idea from me!


Did they mention a Northern Route or a longer Southern Route? I think it would have made more sense to Bomb Miami then NYC... the ultimate result would be the same but the risks would have been fewer.


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