Bring tears to your eyes

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Spit looks in a bit of sorry state but I agree with Terry the stuka could fly again.

Some internal bracing using strip plastic, bit of filler and it could be alright.
For me all of these broken parts look good and can be repaired.But the question is if you want to make them or sell.But I'm sure you know what it is done to somebody who tries to sell something here.... humm.
I'm with you Wojtek!

It would make for a very interesting/challenging/cool build!

BigZ if you are gonna sell ,Let me know! I'm keen on the Stuka!
For me all of these broken parts look good and can be repaired.But the question is if you want to make them or sell.But I'm sure you know what it is done to somebody who tries to sell something here.... humm.

Wouldn't dream of trying to sell it here. Would be like putting a grenade in my pants and pulling the pin.

I think the main problem is the Spit. If I cant get spare parts from Airfix. I could always do a half sunk Spit in some beech scene(Anyone got any photos?).

"BigZ if you are gonna sell ,Let me know! I'm keen on the Stuka!"

Sorry Daniel but theirs no more room in the case.
A grenade in pants and pulling the pin.... well said.

Could you take some close up pics f the Spit? I would like to have a closer look at these broken parts.
Wurger I will post in a couple of weeks as am leaving the country in the morning. Appreciate the help and the encouragement guys.

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