Bristol Blenheim IV, P4850, PZ-V, 53 Sqn 1941

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Sep 28, 2009
Does anyone have any photos of Bristol Blenheim IV, P4850, PZ-V, 53 Sqn 1941, or any aircraft in 53 Sqn at that time please?

My great uncle was the navigator of this aircraft when it was lost during an attack on the Admiral Hipper on 11th March 1941. Unfortunately the crew were lost too.

This is all the information we have so if anyone can shed anymore light on this incident or has any photos of the aircraft concerned it would be greatly appreciated.

Hello Marea,
I have just come across your post while looking for something else. The information I have on L4850 is ass follows.

P4580/V, which took off from St Eval at 05:13, was shot down by flak during an attack on the 'Admiral Hipper' at Brest on the 11th March 1941


Sgt Charles Maclean Calder Died 11th March 1941 Aged 19
RAF 628106 Son of James Wallace and Hughina Calder, of Carr Bridge, Inverness-shire
RM 40

Sgt Ronald H S Maton Died 11th March 1941 Aged 25
RAF 581235 Son of George and Mary Elizabeth Maton, husband of Phyllis Enid Anne Maton, of Harrow, Middlesex.
(Full name: Ronald Hazeldine Septimus)
RM 48

F/O Douglas Keith Plumb Died 11th March 1941 Aged 22
RAF 41734 Son of Albert Edward O. and Edna Marion Plumb; husband of Jean Plumb
RM 30
The RM refers to the panel number on the Runneymede Memorial.
regards Mike
The thread was posted four years ago. But it is nice that there is somebody who answered that. THX for sharing the info.
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