Brothers ?

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Evengilder: Normally, when you join Scottish Rite, you come out a 32nd
Degree Mason, in about four days. The 33rd degree is "honorary".

I was never DeMolay, but I've been a "Jobie" supporter for over 40 years.
My wife and I are currently Bethel Guardian and Associate of Bethel 71
in Chesapeake, Va. I've been ABG of Bethels 15, 62 66 in Norfolk and
Va. Beach. I was also appointed Grand Junior Custodian in 1985.

My Lodge had to close the DeMolay.... those jerks got into booze and drugs.
(Not necessarily in that order)

Charles, I seem to remember he was a 37 or 38th degree. I do remember when my sister joined Job's daughters, there was no problem establishing the Masonic link. I know my grandfather's grandfather was pretty high up in it as well, somewhere in Tyler County, Texas.
Evangilder: To the best of my knowlege the 33rd degree is the highest.
You can't "buy" it, it's awarded like the Medal of Honor..... for service
"above and beyond". If you really want to know about your grandfather
call or write to the Grand Lodge of Texas. All you need is his FULL name
and a good guess about when he was a Mason..... and where if you know
it. I'll get you the address, if you want it.

With so many people from some many lands, I was anxious to hook up with
a brother from England, Scotland or such. Their ceremonys, etc, have to be
different. I know, I was in a Lodge in NJ, and thought they had re-written
the Mathodical Digest !

Mine closed too, but because of membership. I never went further. Another regret. My grandmother was lifelong Order of the Eastern Star.
Njaco: My wife and I are 25 year members of the OES. I am currently
Associate Patron and my wife is Secretary of Bayside Chapter 181, in
Va. Beach, Va. I'll be "in the east" next March......for the fourth time !

Hmm, Shows what I know... I do remember that my sister said he was a "high order". I will have to check with her and see. I do know he was a member at the Murat Temple in Indianapolis. Oddly enough, I worked with a guy years ago whose father built that temple.
Cheese, its been many, many years! I was chaplain of the chapter and I have many fond memories. I understand that memberships are getting a little lax as memberships are low. Any truth? I don't know anybody anymore to be vouched for.
Memberships for both the DeMolay and Jobies have dropped way off. My
wife was at "session" at Ferrum College earlier this month for the Job's Daughters. She said they had less than 200 daughters there. I've seen
the time where there were 2,500. The problem is most girls of 16 have a
job, a car and most of all, a boyfriend. They want to party, not sit at a
meeting for two hours.

Yeah, not that far off for the boys either. I remember going to conventions with thousands of members.

Its a great charachter builder in addition to laying a foundation for life and being involved. First time I ever heard of Robert's Rules.
Yeah, not that far off for the boys either. I remember going to conventions with thousands of members.

Its a great charachter builder in addition to laying a foundation for life and being involved.

Is that what the allure is supposed to be? I really have no idea what the purpose of the organization is.

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