Butt-ugly airplanes

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I understand pilots have a saying. "If it looks good, it flies good." So what were the designers of these types thinking?
the lancaster kicks ass said:
the F.222 and that potez are both very good looking planes..........

Fuck that, it just goes to show you have no taste whatsoever

This is a good looking French bomber...the Amiot 354

And ive always like the looks of the Barracuda... (I have a feeling I know whats coming now...)

But ill post an ugly plane (again, French ) The Bloch MB-200


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The Barracuda should have been named the Flounder. Barracuda conjures up images of a sleek, quick, lethal fish. The plane just looks comical. Ridicuously long landing gear, a high mounted wing, and those flaps all contribute to its ugliness.
Fairey Albocare...gross.

I know its basically a Swordfish with an enclosed cockpit but somehow this makes it look disgusting...


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Actually, there were one or two proper Swordfish variants for service in Canada and the cold parts with enclosed cockpits. I don't think those pilots would be concerned about whether the cockpit spoilt the plane's look so much as being able to stay warm with all the modern features such as cockpit heating. I don't think the cockpit is too ugly, but I hate the Handley Page Heyford. I had a model of the Heyford in FS2002 and no sooner would one engine start then the other engine would die. I only ever got it off the ground once, only to suffer a dangerous multi-engine failure and crashed.
Here's a Russian entry:


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