C-130 crash in Iraq FUBAR

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He was an officer and I was enlisted.... Yelling at the top of ur lungs and getting in the face of a Commisioned Officer is a BIG nono..... I touched my nose to his forehead which was the big thing that got some people worked up...

Extenuating circumstances are the only thing that kept me from going to Captains Mast... That and the fact I had a kickass boss...
Yeah, me too. If someone had put one in my face, I don't think I would have been able to contain myself. Those things just freaked me the heck out. They don't even look like they belong on this planet.
What made it so bad is that I was sleeping, had been slammin rounds all day, and been up for over 24 hours.... The tempo we ran at over there was insane guys....

I collapsed back at base and had been zonked for about 1/2 an hour when this happened... Thing is, the jarhead thought it was funny, as well as 3 of my Team...

I didnt...
I know, but rousted out of a sleep after being keyed up in bad guy land is not exactly the right presence of mind. But then, you guys can survive on pretty minimal sleep. I have heard about hell week in BUDS.
See, in our service there are certain things that just aren't done. Even by officers. He'd have been a dead man, I have no doubt of that. I'd have thought it would be the same with you guys, especially something like the SEALs. That Lt. took his life in his own hands with that stupid little stunt.
We took 2 of those damn camel spiders and put them in a cage with a scorpion and let them duke it out the scorpion was king and won all the friday night fights.
Ironically someone just sent this to me - I guess the little booger is hungry?


  • filmklip_camel-spider_156.avi
    4.3 MB · Views: 109
I was at Kadena AFB on Okinawa. This whacked guy in my squadron "Vasquez" Killed this big ass-ed spider, just a bit smaller than one of those Camel Spiders. He made a shrine in a corner of the hangar, decorated it with flower pedals small bugs, and woven pentagrams! He even built a little alter! If freaked out one of out maintenance chiefs - he was afraid to go into the hangar or even talk to Vasquez! The Chief found an Air Force Chaplin and he asked "Vaz" to take down his shrine.

We had a great laugh over the whole thing

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