Camarillo Air Show video

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Sep 17, 2004
Moorpark, CA
I have been playing with some video editing software since I got my firewire adapter last weekend. I have been doing video edits and playing around to get the best quality. But quality comes at a price in drivespace. Besides, what fun is it to do all this editting if no one else will see it?

Attached is a lower quality, but lower bandwidth version of a clip of video that I shot at Camarillo this year and editted this morning. If it is well received, there will be more to follow. It is 2.2 MB (Sorry dialup guys, that was the smallest I could make it). It should work in Window Media Player.

I have footage of some aerobatics as well as shots of the Martlett, Zero, Fiesler Storch, Hellcat and a Yak-3.

Let me know what you think.



  • untitled_20041113_3.wmv
    2.2 MB · Views: 308
That's a cool little fly-past video, ya got there! :D
In these parts, we don't often get to see WW2 aircraft actually in flight. Once in a while, but that's it.
Saw a P-51D at an air show in September, but that's rare.
I've seen something like 5 Mustangs in one place...

Together with HUNDREDS, maybe thousands of the car, at Hawthorne airport, as well as the original Elenore from Gone in 60 Seconds...

There is an annual Mustang-Mustang show there, as well as a Northrop factory and works (doubt they build anything, though)...
I have been very fortunate to see alot of warbirds over the years. I lived for about 10 years near the Air Force Museum in Ohio and spent alot of time seeing what they had there then. It's an even bigger collection now.

The best shows I have been to were OshKosh in 1982-83. I think there were about 50 or more WWII warplanes there at the time. I do remember a large formation of Mustangs ready for takeoff and the rumble of those Merlins was awesome! The Air Fetes at RAF Mildenhall were also very good. A nice combination of old and new planes.

My main focus now is getting pictures and video of the ones still flying as one can only guess how much longer they will be able to fly. The insurance costs are getting prohibitive and the Avgas is going to be a lower octane in the near future.
I've seen B-17's, B-25's, P-51's, lots of AT6's, a Wildcat, a Corsair, an Me-108 and thats it I think.

I wish theyd start having airshows here again at the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport again, They havent had one for about 4 years. :( :cry: :evil:
I have seen an A-26, B5N-2 "Kate", 2 B-17s, 5 B-25s, 2 C-45s, 1 AC-47, 1 C-47, 5 DC-3s, a C-60, a C-121, 3 Corsairs, 1 Super Corsair, a Hellcat, a Wildcat, a Heinkel He-111, a P-38, 3 P-40s, a P-47, a P-51A, a P-51C, 8 P-51Ds, a PBY, an SBD, a Sea Fury, 3 Skyraiders, 1 Spitfire, 3 TBMs, a Vampire, 2 T-28s, prob 25 or 30 T-6s and 10 or 15 Stearrmans, an F-86, 2 MiG-15s, 2 L-39s.
8 Spitfires at one time, P-39, P-47, P-51, 2 B-17s, Dakota, Lancaster, Hurricane, Gladiator, Nimrod, Lysander, Blenheim, Wildcat, Hellcat, Tigercat, Bearcat, P-38, Avenger, Corsair, Sea Vixen, Harrier, Nimrod (modern one), Tornado, Harvard, Rapide, Sea Hurricane, Jungmann and 2 Ju 52s

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