Can I ever get them built

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You could always open your own Hobby Shop That's a whole lot of stuff, I would think you would have to make an addition to your home to display them all if you ever did manage to put them all together.
Thanks guys!
I also have 5 boxes large for all the Tamyia and has 32nd scale, some Trump A-10 and such that are just in the corner all packed safely.

Why I have so much? A members of IPMS I know well owns the hobby shop, I do his photography we swap services, he also publishes some of the best WWII Waffen SS and Luftwaffe books anywhere, not cheap but real sweet.

For those wanting to help take them off my hands, I'll put it in my will Really! Ya If I ever got them built I'd need a new home to display them, maybe over looking the beach 8) be hard finding a woman who would tolerate it I'm sure! then again models don't tell you you had too many beers!

haha! I'd only take a few off your hands a Hawker Hurricane, a Mosquito, a BF-109E, a Ju-87B (I believe that model has the sirens attached to the landing gear) and a FW-190. I believe those are all I'd like
I have found my brother!!! I just had to show my GF that I'm not the only one with so many unbuilt models laying around! I don't have the shelving, mine are in about 10 TV sized boxes seperated by scale.

That is a great workbench, Herr Adolf!
There not lying around! there on the production line!

Ya I have those huge TV boxes stacked up in the corner with mainly 32nd scale a few 24th.
Most kits have the Resin and etch in the kit If not the peg board and shelves hold the rest.

Brother Njaco
Thanks for the kind words, I only wish I could get them built, every time I walk by they tell me of there displeasure being in pieces
Really a couple a year I hope I have good genes or they will be in my will. LOL
Adding some more just got work from the hobby shop, Hmm what should I get! shopping can be fun.
Wish you well on your recovery. Would like to see some pics of them all completed someday, but something tells me for each model you complete there will be several more boxes of new models to takes it's place
It's a sickness that cannot be cured. Hell thinking about making them is 80% of the fun... well, at least now that I'm an adult and my kids occupy all my living time.

I admit it. I too have a couple of boxes stuffed with 1/72nd scale models from the 70s. I have no idea why I don't build them and continue to purchase new models to build with my sons.

They are mine, MINE, MINE, all mine... my precious.
It's a sickness that cannot be cured.
They are mine, MINE, MINE, all mine... my precious.

I feel your pain Matt. I keep hearing little voices in my head saying "Build me, build me! No! Build me first!! Not them, build me I'm better and have more detail." Over and over and over. Agh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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