Can you.....

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You still don't know which aircraft I mean for the 24 hour build!
Depending where you go, there are still two Academy Sabres F86F ??, can't remember the bolck number without looking at the box or a lsit! One is boxed as 'Mig Killer', with McConnell's markings, and is excellent; it's the one I built recently. I believe the other might be an earlier issue, and seem to recall there were c ouple of things in question, but overall it's OK.
Sure would Master Obi Wan Little! Would be like going back to basics with me think, back to when you were a kid and had bought your model in the shop, rushed home, locked yourself in on your room, slammed it altogether in coffee break...

Will be fun this " 24 Hours"...

Gentlemen, start your engines!
I couldn't even date a model for 24 hours !

Oh ...sorry....aheerm. I did once build a Gazelle (Helicopter) in 4.5 hours when I was a kid. Its amazing how much blade droop you get (are they supposed to rest on the floor ?) and the landing skids gave up the ghost so it ended up resting on its belly. Was not impressed, so it went out into the jungle (back garden) and came to a grizzly end curtesy of my .177 air rifle, followed the next day by the lawn mower !.

In short, yup you probably could do a simple kit but I doubt it's last long or look good.

Is this a potential future group build challenge for a wet and rainy a fun thing dontchyaknow !.start the build Sat evening so you've all got time to whizz out and buy something suitable, and post shots of the finished article on the Sun eve ?
Different wing I think, I'll need to check. And you think you can build and paint it, and do a good job, in 24 hours?!!!
Even if you leave out the engine, it'll be pushing it a bit I think.
Checked it. Yep, the F had the '6 - 3' wing. It was 3 inches longer at the tip, and six inches wider at the root, and didn't have the leading edge slats, as the 'E' model had. I think you'd get away with it though, as that is only 1.5 and 3mm respectively, and the slat joints were more or less in the same position as the panel lines on the leading edge. In fact, looking at my Academy bird, I notice it's got the wing fences - I'll have to check the box to see if it's an E or F!!
Those were the only really noticeable external differences. The others were the wing hard points, gunsight and avionics etc, which can't be seen on the model!
I'll take some close-ups over the weekend, get some more info together and e-mail it to you old chap. I'm off to bed now, as I'm bushed, and got that blasted headache back.
Toodle pip. a good model in less than 24 hours?8)

No. Not hardly. It takes me a day just to cut all the flash from around the decals, another to mix and match the paints, 3 to fill all the panel lines (I know - a curmudgeon), yada yada...and I only work on models on Saturdays. The other 10 days in the week I'm working on the full scale stuff. I'm addicted.

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