Captured 109 pics

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As the reversed "7" digit is concerned.It could be hard to imagine that it could have occured in The German Luftwaffe. Ordnung muss sein.
Good photos. It definitely does look like the Hurricane was captured by Germans and then recaptured by the Allies. Any more photos of that Hurricane from a different angle?
where are Chingachgook photos and why he has got the status "banned"?
Because David, this forum works a lot differently than most... the attitude and behavior of some (not all) of the moderators here is, quite frankly, piss-poor. If one dares to disagree with or speak out against certain of the high and mighty mods on, then one is quite often told, "if you don't like it, piss-off". (sometimes not in so sophisticated a manner, I might add) And one may just get oneself banned if one continues to plead one's case... no matter how valid a point one may have.

For instance, now that I've said what I've said here, I may very well become the focus of persecution... simply for having spoken my mind and for having called a spade a spade.

Fade to Black...


...the soon to be re-banned

It really is not that way at all. If someone decides to get out line they are told so. If they do not wish to get back in line, then they are dismissed.

Take it as you please.
Well to each there own my friend. The people that really want to discuss and learn and teach are here and those that want to come to the site as well.
Unfortunately, with the so-called knowledge base here, there's not much to learn, as most of you seem to think you know what you're talking about but, in fact, few of you do. And some of those who do know a little something come across as rude SOBs. The only true saving grace to this place is the occasional posting of fresh, new material, mostly images, such as those posted by the guy who started this thread. But he's banned now... go figure. Well, I guess that's for you... the children rule the playground.

And for arguments sake, kiss my @ss....
I knew I'd draw you out and that you would prove a point for me...

If you'd spend as much time actually learning about this stuff as you do acting like a rude, simple-minded SOB, then you might actually pass on some useful information to others and be an asset to this forum. But, instead, you're just an ass on the forum.

Oh... and you can kiss your own, pal...

Fade to Black...
No, I don't think so. I don't do favors for strangers. I tried to do Falcon109 a favor, however, because I've dealt with him in the past and consider him to be a friend. He asked a question and I answered it truthfully, honestly and fairly. I then received flak for it... predictably.

No, I will continue to check this place out as long as it has something to offer.

I can ignore the unpleasantries which take place here... something that I've been able to do, for the most part, since I joined. It is not my intention to add to those unpleasantries, but if and when they affect me directly, as in this case, I will respond. And although I shall not go out of my way to be a crude blaggard, I will respond in kind to crude blaggards, if need be. Example: I will not tolerate people who tell me to 'kiss their ass'. If forced to do battle with such people I shall naturally prefer a battle of wits. However, I also prefer not to fight an unarmed man, and will descend, briefly, to another level in order to strike a counter-blow. But only if it is warranted.

I don't go looking for trouble... that seems to be someone else's lot in life here. (although in this case I put out a bit of bait, to prove a point... and the fish bit, obligingly) But if trouble finds me, I am more than capable of dealing with it and will do so in an entirely appropriate manner.

Fade to Black...
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