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Good stuff Graeme, your right about the tail
Junkers Ju 88G-6, (Wk. Nr. 623193), with FuG 240 Berlin cavity magnetron radar in the nose, captured at Grove, Denmark in may 1945. This aircraft was designated RAF AM31, and is shown here at Farnborough in 1945. It was scrapped at Skellingthorpe in 1947.

FuG 240 Berlin - Wikipedia
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Henschel Hs 129B-1/R2, (Wk. Nr. 0385), 8.(Pz)1Sch.G2, captured at El Aouina, Tunisia, in May 1943. This aircraft was brought to the USA where it was designated EB-105, then USA FE-103, later FE-4600 and then T2-4600, at Freeman Field, Indiana in 1945. The aircraft was cut up for scrap in 1946, but the cockpit was purchased and is on display in Der Adler Luftwaffe Museum, Sidney, Australia. Another Hs 129, was reported to have been at Freeman Field, fate unknown.

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