Carolina Aviation Museum in Charlotte, NC

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Lieutenant General
Apr 10, 2009
South Carolina
Is having their Grand Opening on July 10th of this year.

Carolinas Aviation Museum : Charlotte Museum

The aircraft is more modern, but they do have a couple of C-47's, 1 in civilian drag and the other a veteran of Burma "Miss Piggy" wearing D-Day stripes.

Aircraft on Display:
Piedmont Airlines Douglas DC-3 N44V
Douglas 1944 C-47 Dakota
Grumman OV-1D Mohawk
Bellanca 1940 14-9L Crusair
Ercoupe 1946 415-C
Long/Schweizer 1948 Midget Mustang
McDonnell Douglas 1982 AV-8B-1 Harrier
Boeing 1941 PT-17/ N2S Kaydet
McDonnell Douglas 1985 F-4S Phantom II
North American 1950 T-28B
Grumman F-14D Super Tomcat
LTV 1956 A-7E2 Corsair II
Bell UH-1H Iroquois
Sikorsky H-34C Choctaw
Kaman 1953 HOK-1
Sikorsky Jolly Green Giant
AH-1J Sea Cobra
Boeing CH-46E Sea Knight

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