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Naw not really. If you are gonna call the Spit a fighter/converted bomber you might as well say that for the Bf 109 and the Corsair as well.

I am just messing with you kid.
There, turned the Spitfire into just a fighter, and made the images smaller so rendering dosen't show through too much. Any other complaints?

Seriously though, say what's wrong with it until it's fine i'll post them in the gallery or the 'new members' thread.
They're both kind of correct though, I think the Germans used both simulaneously right?
Thanks 'Aggie' and 'DerAdler' all pics are now in the gallery. I've added a gradient to seam the images and turned ME109=>BF109
As the 109 was designed and initially produced under the auspices of the Bayerische Flugzeugwerke, it was first designated 'Bf 109'. However, after BFW was incorporated as Messerschmitt Aktien Gesellschaft the design was often referred to as both 'Bf 109' and 'Me 109' in factory documents as well as in Luftwaffe documents.

Therefore, both prefixes are correct and it's really a matter of preference. I myself prefer 'Bf', but 'Me' is perfectly acceptable.
Well, I wouldn't say 'more' correct. But let's not get into a p*ssing contest here. I will agree however that 'Bf' seems to be the preference of most folks that I've come across.
This is not a pissing contest. If you read about the RLM and how the designation was changed then you will understand why the 109 is actually a Bf and not a Me.
Officially, BF is correct.

Unofficialy, some luftwaffe members accidentally used ME.

So please use BF from now on to avoid confusion, and wastes of post space.
This is not a pissing contest. If you read about the RLM and how the designation was changed then you will understand why the 109 is actually a Bf and not a Me.
Actually, if pedantics be the game, the RLM designation for the type was '8-109'. And I do understand perfectly why the 109 was initially designated 'Bf 109'.

So please use BF from now on to avoid confusion, and wastes of post space.
I'll use 'Bf' because, as I've said before, it's my preference; and not because you seem to think that it's the way it should be, thank you very much!

After some digging, I see that this has been discussed here before and I'm starting to get a barometer on how things go around here, so I won't beat a dead horse in front of a stubborn crowd.
Officially, BF is correct.

Unofficialy, some luftwaffe members accidentally used ME.

So please use BF from now on to avoid confusion, and wastes of post space.
Sorry I'll change right away and I'll tell all the pilots that I talk to that flew the thing or against it to change post haste

Hey hey hey, you need to have an attitude check! Can the attitude immediatly or this stubborn crowd is going to send this "know it all" packing.

Everyone can discuss things in an adult like polite manner allright, you dont have to get an attitude with anyone!

Everyone learns from everyone else here. Myths are broken and truths come out. It does not have to be done with attitude however. If you wish to have an attitude please take it someplace else.

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