Kevin J
If we'd have modernised our not so old ships in the thirties then there would have been no money for the RAF, so not a good idea. IIRC the American only had 5 16-in gun battleships in 1941, so only one per decent aircraft carrier that they had. If we needed that long list of capitol ships and carriers in the Far East then only the Americans can provide them.At the time that estimate was made the German navy was a coast defence force (2 old pre Dreadnought battleships with four large caliber guns each) and the Italian navy was not very formidable either. It was thought to balanced (most of the time) by the French. The Italians in the 1920s and most of the 30s had 3-5 Battleships in service at one time, the oldest was scrapped in 1928 and the Cavour started a nearly 4 year refit in 1933. The Unrefitted ships would have had a very hard time against even the R class.
The British fell behind in the modernization race of the 30s and in the heavy treaty cruiser (8in gun) race of the late 20s.
Italy's modernization of the other 3 old Battleships and the construction of the new 15in gun battleships was pretty much from 1937 on. Combined with the German rearmament program it did throw the 1920s and early 30s calculations out the window.
Keeping old, obsolete ships around just to make up numbers on paper may have been a costly exercise in futility.
The British (and some other navies) had gone through an even worse period of "economy" in the late 1800s when they kept just about every old, crappy totally obsolete ship that didn't have a wooden hull or require constant pump outs on the reserve lists. The slaughter that would have ensued with ships using iron armor and muzzle loading guns against ships with steel armor and breech loading guns using smokeless powder can only be imagined. Sanity finally prevailed and the vast majority of this "junk" was stricken from the lists in just a couple of years. Returning to this mindset was not what the Admiralty might want to do. This period was within the living memory of some serving officers.