Churchill's secret (1 Viewer)

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A few years back, I rode in an Alitalia 777 to and from Europe, we took the Polar route and were anywhere between 39 and 50 thousand for the most part.

The air quality was fine and the cabin temps were nice. Actually, my only complaint with the airline, was giving me only 9 minutes to get from one end of the airport (Rome) to the other during a transfer, on my trip home. Needless to say, I didn't make it (they had just closed the gate) so I ended up getting home a day late.

Now the air quality at the Rome airport was was warm and brutally humid.

I did the polar route once from Frankfurt, Germany to Anchorage, Alaska and back. Was pretty neat flying over the Arctic like that.
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There was a mass of claims and counter claims a few years ago even going so far as to having groups of people sitting in aircraft conditions but on the ground. There are a lot of UK citizens fly to Australia and New Zealand due to family ties and the problem was on very long haul. I cant "cite" a BBC programme about it but I do remember seeing it. Happily despite all the denials the number of people having problems after long haul flights is much reduced, perhaps we are evolving into long haul primates, or adjustments have been made and law suits avoided.

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