Cold War tanks, pre-89?

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It says with this pic in the Wiki: T-55A on the streets during martial law in Poland...

Would that refer to the period between December '81 and July '83, when the government of the Poland drastically restricted normal life by introducing martial law in an attempt to crush the political opposition?

Yep the pic is said to be taken on December the 13th, 1981 in Sulechów town. However the statement that the government of the Poland drastically restricted normal life by introducing martial law in an attempt to crush the political opposition , depends on the viewpoint.
Didnt the Shilka sometimes operate in cahoots, with the SA-2?

Both the ZSU-23-4 "Shilka" and the ZSU-57-2 "SPAAG" were self-propelled AA guns being used by AAA units. So it is possible the ZSUs could have been used for protection of the V-75 Dvina/S-75/V-750 Volkhov batteries. But if you've meant the SA-2 launcher mounted on the ZSU base... I don't remember of a such "mixture".
THX. You may find the name of the SA-2 missile for :
  • S-75 Dźwina ( Dvina ) - the first designation of the missile started in 1957. The NATO code SA-2A.
  • S-75 Desna
  • S-75M Wołchow ( Volkhov ) - the NATO name SA-2C.
The S-75M was the modified S-75 Dvina. However you has to remember that the S-75 is the name of the AA systems but not of the missile. These AA systems used the V-750 series of AA missiles.

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As memo serves the MT-LB was designed for towing of the 100mm T-12 antitank gun. Because both the D-44 and the T-12 gun were the towed ones the tug could be used for both of them. However , judging by the wavy shape of the top edge of the gun shield I would say it's the D-44.

Thanks buddy!
I never got to the T-12, I just looked at the wavy shield and the rounded....whatyacallit....think that the D-44 was the second that I looked at!
I had to get away from this one, got that itch again, plus....technically, it's not a tank, right, right?

I'm sure that it'd look impressive when done, at 336 mm, if I remember correctly....


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