Post-War RCAF Mustang (1 Viewer)

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So seeing Andy's Mustangs has made me want to start my Tamiya 1/48 (almost bought another 1/32 :rolleyes:) P-51D soon. I will be building it as serial number Mustang IV 9564, which was apparently a P-51D-25-NA with a USAAF serial of 44-72902. I have attached the only picture I've seen of it. My question is what (if anything) needs to be done to make it an RCAF Mustang, or anything specific I need to fix on the kit for that matter? I've looked all over the place for information regarding the RCAF's post-war Mustangs and have come up with virtually nothing. There's apparently an IPMS article by Randy Lutz that details these things but I cannot find it anywhere. All I really know is that at one point they were painted silver instead of being left in a NMF. Thanks.

Screen Shot 2015-05-28 at 8.46.52 PM.png

Here's another one from the same squadron, though a different aircraft.


Here is the emblem of the 402nd RCAF Squadron that can be seen but partially only. And below the enlarged part of the decal sheet.

RCAF 402 sqdn emblem.jpg

RCAF 402 sqdn emblem_1.jpg
Good stuff guys! I like these post war RCAF Mustangs, ours were rather bland in comparison...


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