College so far is ehhh..

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Dec 9, 2007
Revis Island.
Hey guys!

Stopping in....I've been at college for almost 3 weeks now, and to say the least its been less than what I've expected. I have talked to new people, been involved in ROTC, but I just don't feel a sense of belonging per se. I do not have a car so getting things such as haircut, etc. has been a little difficult. This weekend my girlfriend came up and we visited friends at a college about an hour away. And for once in 3 weeks I had a really awesome day

My problem is, I get up at 5 am 4 days during the week and by 11 o'clock at night I'm done, usually asleep. Everyone goes out and parties on the weekend and thats just not me. When my friends went to parties and such at home, I was always the DD. I had absolutely no issues and i knew everyone at the party so I was fine. Here, I'm in Lowell MA....and for those of you who don't know, its pretty much a Sh!thole. Sirens are just background noise now since there are shootings, robberies etc. almost daily.

Its not like I can wander off campus(which is beautiful despite the city) since it poses a legitimate danger to me. I put in my application to join the campus EMS and go through EMT school come spring. I am still waiting to hear back from them.

Its just the weekend that bothers me since nobody is around and I do not like partying/party environment with people that I hardly know. Its uncomfortable to me so I end up sitting in my room by myself most weekends. I'm just bored a lot...I've been doing my school work but find myself playing xbox or watching netflix on weekends since everybody is at a party.

Just needed to vent a little frustration I've been having. A lot of the guys in ROTC have been having issues too, when were talking I hear "I had to sleep on my buddies couch because my roomate threw a huge party and I had to be here at 5am"

Not to mention; at heart I'm more of a country kid than a city I'm out of my element needless to say...I miss corn fields and dirt roads
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I understand you Harry. But , head up. Time flies. Always you can read a good book about WW2. Crack a smile .
Hang in there, H...

Somehow, people have come to see college as a reason to party instead of learning. Stay the course, learn as much as you can and in the end, you'll come away all the better for it.

Since you enjoyed being a firefighter, why not look into fire sciences, like investigations or similar areas of the field?

Thanks guys! And Dave, I've wanted to be a state trooper since I can remember, it's where I've always seen myself. Also, have wanted to serve in the army.... I love being a firefighter but it's something that I'll always volunteer for; like when I get older and move in my own place, whatever town that may be I would like to volunteer there
Well hell's bells H, be an MP then!

The best of both worlds right there AND if you pull a career as an MP, when you leave the service, you can land just about any LEO position in the civvy world. I can't tell you how many LEO friends I have, that were former MP or security in the armed forces, that hold positions in local law enforcement. They are in local P.D.s, county Sheriffs Marshal's offices or even in U.S. Forest Service, BLM and DHS.

Also, as an MP, you have access to schooling in police sciences and more...something to think about, at least
So you have all weekend to hangout with us?

Good luck with college, Harrison. It's something to get used to. My experience is that the party goers will drop out at a certain moment. Just keep your goal in mind and everything will be easier.
Harry you probably dorm with someone else?I know in my junior year(private room) I modeled real simple 1/72 fighters nothing fancy at all just to past the time some W/E and nights.But,then like Wojtek said good books can supplant the same way.The environment will change for you Harry and it will get better as time goes on and as you began to know other students.
I feel for you H but life will throw its hurdles at you. You have a good attitude and hopefully, if you give it time, things will improve. I'm sure there are others in a similar situation and maybe you'll be able to share some common interests to make your time there more enjoyable.
Time will fly.... It seems yesterday that I was at the College, and fortythree years have passed.....

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