Collins Foundation B-17 crashed at Bradley

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I am so shocked, that I can not express my feelings.
It's so, so sad that, given the reports so far, that such a tragedy has happened, with loss of life, and injuries, and of course, my thoughts are for all those involved.
The loss of a priceless aircraft is bad enough,, but the human loss can never be replaced.
I'm afraid to state, that, given what has happened, the writing may be on the wall for similar operations, at least in the 'States', and will possibly have repercussions world wide.
I had to hold tears today at work as I was seeing the initial pictures of the crash showing 909 practically consumed by the fire but learning about fatalities between crew and passengers, aviation enthusiasts like all of us, is truly disheartening. From 2010 until the present year I was a faithful visitor of the Collins Foundation whenever they visited the Dallas area and I will cherish as long as I live the memories and personal pictures of 909 I got over the years. A couple of them among WWII vets which are also sadly dwilling in number.
Thank you Collins Foundation for bringing this majestic birds close to us to see every year.
May God be with you and bless you all.
Heartbreaking is the only word that comes to mind.
My heart and prayers go out to the injured and their families and especially to the families of the fatalities.
Eternal rest grant unto them, oh Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they and all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
I just saw this on the local news and they were still saying just injuries. I hope it's just injuries and not fatalities.
Just did a search and it seems, unfortunately, that our local news is just behind the curve.......7 confirmed fatalities.
This is truly tragic. Prayers for those that lost there lives and for there families.
There but for the grace of geography and being broke go I......

Will this curtail my occasional indulgence in a more affordable ride during an airshow or event like WWII days? Only if such rides are regulated out of existence.
There but for the grace of geography and being broke go I......

Will this curtail my occasional indulgence in a more affordable ride during an airshow or event like WWII days? Only if such rides are regulated out of existence.
I saw/ heard a government official of who's title I didn't catch talking about doing exactly that this morning.
Hey chaps, still in a total state of shock over losing 2 very close friends with a 3rd in hospital undergoing surgery.
As a 'Family' member since 2013 when I first ventured over the Pond, this has been a gut wrenching riptide of emotion. Both my wife...who was also FE on 909 and myself...were flying her last Thursday before we left o come home.
I am refraining from putting anything on social media as there some AH's I could cheerfully swing for ! and also out deep, sincere respect for what the Crew are going through at this moment, and in no way forgetting those who did not get to go home or are in hospital.
And I am most humbled by your concern for me, I am indeed indebted to have such an awesome bunch of guy's n gals out there that I count as friends. Bless you all !
I heard the news around 5:30 this morning. I was also shocked. I been a fan of warbirds since the early 70s. Sad day all around.

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