Color pics For a Model I'm Building

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I understand there are doubters to the existence of George. Well, by Me, if this thread is going to have at least one real photo, it will be a photo of one said George.


Still looking for my pictures of "Polar Bear in a Snow Storm"
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What? You mean Night vision goggles don't make you see things in the daytime as if it was night?? Next you'll be telling me Santa Claus dosen't exist...

(clashed with Geo!)
If Santa doesn't exist, who the **** is it who parks a bl**dy sleigh on my roof every December 24th, at midnight? Right pain he is too, making all that noise!
I saw mommy kissing santa clause... moms a $%^*. Of course grandma got ran over by a reindeer, she never saw them coming.


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