Some data from MAW Vol 1 - Western Desert, November 1941
This is the whole month of November1941
4 November 1941
Units: 12 SAAF, (Maryland)
Claims: 1 x Bf 109, 1 x CR 42
Losses: -
Casualties: -
(one Maryland damaged)
Units: 372, 393, 372 Sq (CR 42?)
Claims 2 x Blenheims
Losses: -
Casualties: -
Claims on both sides but no losses.
5 November 1941
Units: 21 SAAF, (Maryland), 11 Sqn RAF (Blenheim)
Claims: -
Losses: 1 x Maryland
Casualties: 3 x KiA (Maryland)
Blenheim ditched and crew rescued by RN
Units: 375, 393, 372 Sq (CR 42?)
Claims 2 x Blenheims
Losses: -
Casualties: -
6 November 1941
Units: 2 SAAF, (Tomahawk II)
Claims: 1 x S.79
Losses: -
Casualties: -
Blenheim ditched and crew rescued by RN
Units: 19 Sq (SM.79)
Claims -
Losses: 1 x SM.79
Casualties: 4 x MiA
7 November 1941
Units: 12, 21 SAAF, (Maryland)
Claims: 1 x Bf 109
Losses: 1 x Maryland
Casualties: 1 x KiA, 1 x PoW
Two more Marylands damaged by fighters
Units: 372 Sq, 151 Sq, (MC 200)
Claims: 2 x Baltimore
Losses: 1 x MC.200
Casualties: 1 x KiA
A German Ju 88 was damaged by an MC 200 with one crew KiA and one WiA
**** Start of Operation Crusader ****
12 November 1941
Units: 40 SAAF (Hurricane I), 451 Sqn (Hurricane 1), 4 SAAF (Tomahawk), 2 PRU (Hurricane I - recon)
Claims: -
Losses: 2 x Hurricane I, 1 x Tomahawk
Casualties: 3 x KiA
Units: 5./JG 27, 1./JG 27 (BF 109F)
Claims: 4 x P-40
Losses: -
Casualties: -
15 November 1941
Units: 1 SAAF Sqn (HUrricane II), 33 Sqn (Hurricane I), 113 Sqn (Blenheim IV), 12, 21 SAAF (Maryland II)
Claims: 2 x G.50, 1 x Bf 109
Losses: 2 x Hurricane I, 1 x Maryland II
Casualties: 4 x KiA (3 from Maryland)
Several aircraft destroyed or damaged on the ground
Units: 1./JG 27, 7.LG 1, II./ZG 26
Claims: 1 x Hurricane, 2 x Martin 167
Losses: 1 x Bf 110E-2
Units: 153, 373 Sq (MC 200)
Claims: (probable)
Losses: 1 x MC.200
Casualties: 1 x KiA
Two MC 200 destroyed on the ground
16 November 1941
Units: 2 SAAF Sqn (Tomahawk II)
Claims: 1 x Bf 110
Losses: -
Casualties: -
Four beaufighters were also involved in a fight with a Ju 87 but apparently it got away.
Units: 2(H)/I4
Claims: -
Losses: 1 x Bf 110
Casualties: 2 x MiA
The 110 was caught on a ferry flight
17 November 1941
Units: 216 Sqn (Bombay)
Claims: -
Losses: 1 x Bombay crash landed
Casualties: ~ 20 PoW
16 SAS officers were riding on the Bombay and got captured
Units: 4./JG 27
Claims: 1 x Bombay (This was Otto Schulz)
Losses: -
Casualties: -
** Ground Battle Begins **
18 November 1941
Units: 33 Sqn (Hurricane I), 272 Sqn (Beaufighers), 21 SAAF (Marylands), 14 Sqn RAF (Blenheim)
Claims: 3 x CR 42 (by Hurricanes), 7 x Ju 52 (by Beaufighters), 1 x HS 126 (Beaufighters), 1 x Fs 156 (Beaufighters)
Losses: 2 x Maryland II, 1 x Blenheim IV
Casualties: ~ 6 KiA (Maryland and Blenheim crews)
Seems like some major confusion with the Beaufighter claims here. 4 x SM.79s were also claimed as destroyed on the ground by Beaufighters.
Units: 1./JG 27
Claims: 2 x -Martin 167
Losses: -
Casualties: -
Units: 393 Sq (CR 42)
Claims: (1 bomber shared with German fighters)
Losses: 2 x CR 42
Casualties: 1 x KiA, 1 WiA
Several aircraft damaged on the ground
19 November 1941
Units: 272 Sqn (Beaufighers), 3 RAAF Sqn (Tomahawk II), 45 and 113 Sqns (Bleheim IV, 12 SAAF (Maryland), 451 Sqn (Hurricane I)
Claims: 1 x Bf 109 (Tomahawk)
Losses: 1 x Tomahawk, 2 x Blenheim, 1 x Hurricane , 1 x Maryland
Casualties: ~ 3 KiA (Blenheim crew), 1 x WiA
Beaufighter claims 5 x Ju 87, 2 x Bf 109 all on the ground, 1 Blenheim crashed on takeoff 3 x crew KiA. Some of the losses may have been due to Flak but I'm counting them anyway.
Units: 5./JG 27
Claims: 1 x Blenheim , 1 x P-40
Losses: -
Casualties: -
16 G.50s and a Ca 133 destroyed on the ground
20 November 1941
Units: 112 & 250 Sqn RAF (Tomahawk II), 3 RAAF (Tomahawk II), RNFS (Hurricane, 272 Sqn (Beaufighters), 21 SAAF (Maryland), 11 Sqn Blenheim), 1 SAAF (Hurricane II), 33 Sqn (Hurricane I), 208 Sqn (Hurricane I)
Claims (Tomahawk): 4 x Bf 110, 1 x Bf 109, 8 x Ju 87
Claims (Hurricane): 3 x Ju 87s
Claims (Beaufighter): 14 x Ju 87s
Claims (Bombers): Bf 109s
Losses: 4 x Tomahawk, 1 x Blenheim, 3 x Hurricane , 4 x Maryland
Casualties: ~ 10 x KiA (Maryland crews), 1 x WiA (Hurricane), 1 x KiA (Tomahawk)
Several more fighters and bombers damaged or lost to Flak. Looks like the Tomahawks got some Bf 110s, either they or the Hurricane pilots got some Ju 87s too. Some of the fighter and bomber losses listed above may have been due to Flak but it's impossible to determine which.
Units: 1./JG 27 & 5./ JG 27 (Bf 109F), Stab I./JG 27 (Bf 109), 2., 5./St 1 (Ju 87), 8./ZG 26 (Bf 110), 2(H)./I14 (Bf 110), III./LG I (Ju 88)
Claims: 2 x P-40, 3 x Martin 167, 1 x Hurricane (all claims by JG.27 pilots)
Losses: 5 x Bf 110, 2 x Ju 87
Casualties: ~4 x KiA, 5 x MiA
6 x Ju 88 were destroyed on the ground
21 November 1941
Units: 272 Sqn (Beaufighters), 112 & 250 RAF (Tomahawk), 2 SAAF (Tomahawk), 229 Sqn (Hurricane IIc), 80 Sq (Hurricane I), 451 Sqn (Hurricane I), 109 Sqn (Wellington I), 24 SAAF (Boston III), 223 Sqn RAF (Maryland II)
Claims (Tomahawk): 2 x CR 42, 1 x MC.200 (Bf 109 damaged)
Claims (Beaufighter): 4 x Ju 87, 1 x HS 126
Losses: 3 x Hurricane IIc, 2 x Hurricane I, 1 x Tomahawk, 1 x Wellington, 1x Boston
Casualties: ~ 10 x KiA (Maryland crews), 1 x WiA (Hurricane), 1 x KiA (Tomahawk)
Many of these victories were shared kills, this seems to be the combat debut for the Hurricane IIc and the Boston in combat for the British in the MTO. A Tomahawk was lost to Flak, another Tomahawk damaged in a collision (but apparently made it back) a Beaufighter damged by ground fire with a WiA observer, and both a Wellington and a Maryland were 'damaged beyond repair' though they made it back.
Units: 1./, 4./ and 5./JG 27(Bf 109F, 9.ZG 26, 2(H)/.I4 (Bf 110), Kourier Tafel Trop (He 111)
Claims: 1 x P-40, 2 x Wellington (all claims by JG.27 pilots)
Losses: -
Casualties: -
One Bf 110 lost to flak, Hs 126 and He 111 destroyed on the ground by strafing
Units: 153 sq (MC 200), 373 Sq (MC 200), 376 Sq (CR 42), 155 Sq (G.50, 153 Sq (MC. 200)
Claims: 1 x Hurricane
Losses: 2 x Cr 42, 1 x MC. 200
Casualties: 3 x PoW
22 November 1941
Units: 112 RAF and 3 RAAF (Tomahawk II), 33 Sqn (Hurricane I), 229 RAF, 11 Sqn RAF (Blenheim)
Claims (Tomahawk): 4 x Bf 109 + several damaged and probables
Claims (Hurricane): 2 x Ju 88, 1 x SM 79
Claims (Blenheims): 1 x Bf 109
Losses: 4 x Blenheim, 10 x Tomahawk, 2 x Hurricane
Casualties: ~ 15 x KiA several missing returned later
This was a major fight for the DAF units, in the morning there was n engagement with 3 RAAF in which JG lost two fighters, then in the afternoon 3 RAAF went out again and JG 27 tried to wipe them out while they were on a fighter sweep near the LW bases. 4 LW squadrons joined in as 3 RAAF went into a defensive circle in an hour long fight, and RAF 112 Sqn came to the aid of 3 RAAF. Most of the Tomahawk casualties were from 3 RAAF. Hurricanes got into separate engagements with bombers and Italians in another area.
Units: 1./, 4./ and 5./JG 27(Bf 109F, 9.ZG 26, 2(H)/.I4 (Bf 110), Kourier Tafel Trop (He 111)
Claims: 15 x P-40, 7 x Blenheim
Losses: 6 x Bf 109, 2 x Ju 88, 2 x Ju 87
Casualties: 2 x KiA, 2 x PoW, 1 x MiA
One Bf 110 lost to flak, Hs 126 and He 111 destroyed on the ground by strafing. This seems to be the first major setback for JG 27. One of the KiA was a JG 27 pilot originally wounded but he was killed in a hospital that got strafed the next day.
Units: 153 and 372 sq (MC 200), 18 Sq (SM.79),1 Sq (BR 20)
Claims: 2 x Hurricane, 1 x Wellington
Losses: 2 x MC 200, 2 x BR 20, 1 x SM.79
Casualties: ~8 x MiA, 3 x PoW, 1 x MiA
23 November 1941
Units: 250 RAF, 229 Sqn (Hurricane IIb and c), 238 Sqn (Hurricane IIc), 33 & 94 Sqn (Hurricane I), RNFS (Hurricane I), 229 RAF, 11 Sqn RAF (Blenheim), 4 SAAF (Tomahawk), 272 Sqn (Beaufighter), 805 Sqn (Martlet)
Claims (Tomahawk): 8 x Bf 109 + several damaged and probables
Claims (Hurricane): 6 x Ju 87, 1 x Bf 110, 1 x Bf 109, several damaged and probables
Losses: 4 x Tomahawk, 13 x Hurricane (9 x Hurricane II, 4 x Hurricane I), 1 x Boston
Casualties: ~ 15 x KiA several missing returned later
Two Beaufighters lost to flak, one Tomahawk and one Hurricane IIc damaged made it back to base. Possible debut of Martlet in MTO (two damaged claims)
Units: 1./, 4./ 5./ and Stab I and II JG 27(Bf 109F) 2. and 3./StG 2
Claims: 5 x Hurricane, 4 x P-40, 1 x Boston
Losses: 2 x Bf 109, 1 x Bf 110, 5 x Ju 87
Casualties: 3 x Ki , 3 x PoW, 4 x WiA
2 x Ju 87 and 1 x Ju 88 'shot up), 1 x Ju 88 destoryed by bombs on the ground with KiA
Units: 153, 155, 159, 351, 378 sqn (unknown fighters?)
Claims: 3 x Tomahawk, 5 x Hurricanes, 1 x Blenheim
Losses: 1 x G.50
Casualties: 1 KiA
Several aircraft damaged or destroyed on the ground.
24 November 1941
Units: 2 and 4 SAAF Sqn (Tomahawk IIb), 33, 80 and 237 Sqn (Hurricane I), 12
Claims (Tomahawk): 3.5 Bf 110 (shared)
Claims (Hurricane): 2 x Bf 110, 1 x G.50, 1 x CR. 42, 1 x SM.79
Losses: 1 x Tomahawk, 2 x Hurricane, 1 x Boston
Casualties: 1 Tomahawk pilot missing returned later
One Tomahawk pilot missing returned later, another Tomahawk damaged but made it back to base. One additional Hurricane was lost to Flak.
Units: 1./JG 27 (Bf 109F)., and 9./ZG 26 (Bf 110)
Claims: 5 x Hurricane, 4 x P-40, 1 x Boston
Losses: 3 x Bf 110
Casualties: 2 x PoW
One Bf 109 destroyed by bombs on the ground
Units: 375 Sq (CR 42), 32 Sq (Ca 311), 174 Sq (SM 79)
Claims: -
Losses: Ca 311
Casualties: 2 x WiA
The WiA were on a damaged Cr 42 and a damaged SM 79, probably by Hurricane pilots
25 November 1941
Units: 112 RAF and 3 RAAF Sqn, 258 Wing Group (Tomahawk IIb), 80 Sqn (Hurricane I), 272 Sqn (Beaufighters)
Claims (Tomahawk): 5 x Bf 110, 1 x Bf 109, 1 x CR 42, 2 x G.50, 2x Fi 156, multiple damaged and probable
Claims (Hurricane): 1 x Bf 110
Losses: 6 x Tomahawk
Casualties: 3 x Kia
Beaufighters were strafing and claimed aircraft destroyed on the ground. Two Tomahawk pilots missing but escaped capture and returned, 1 damaged. 1 x Hurricane lost to Flak.
Units: 1.,4./JG 27 (Bf 109F)., 9./ZG 26 (Bf 110), II./JG 27 (FS Storch), 1./StG 3 (Ju 87)
Claims: 5 x P-40, 1 x Hurricane
Losses: 1 x Bf 109F-4 trop, 3 x Bf 110, 2 x Fs 156
Casualties: 1 x KiA, 2 x PoW, 1 x MiA, 1 x WiA
The Fi156s belonged to JG 27, one to a rescue unit. Several aircraft destroyed on the ground by bombing and strafing. 1 x Ju 87 destroyed by Flak, another ambiguous (unclear if Flak or in air to air combat)
Units: 353 Sq (Unknown fighter)
Claims: 2 x Tomahawk
Losses: Ro. 37bis
Casualties: 2 x WiA
Multiple aircraft damaged on the ground.
26 November 1941
Units: 3 RAAF Sqn (Tomahawks), 33 & 229 Sqn (Hurricane II), 272 Sqn (Beaufighters), 250 Sqn RAF (Tomahawk II)
Claims (Tomahawk): 1 x Bf 109
Claims (Hurricane): 2 x Bf 109, 1 x SM.79
Claims (Beaufigher): Caproni shot down, ground targets
Losses: 1 x Tomahawk, 7 x Hurricane IIc
Casualties: 3 x PoW
Beaufighters were strafing again, one was lost to flak. Most of the British pilots survived and made it back to base. Most of the losses seem to be against the Italians flying new MC.202s
Units: 1./JG 27 (Bf 109F)., 1./ZG 26 (Bf 110), 2./(H)I4 (Bf 110
Claims: 2 x P-40
Losses: -
Casualties: -
Units: 96, 97, 375, 366 (mixed but some were MC. 202
Claims: 4 x Tomahawk, 3 x unidentified fighters, 3 x Hurricane, 1 x Beaufighter. Some shared kills
Losses: Ca.311, Ca. 309,
Casualties: 2 x WiA
Multiple aircraft damaged on the ground. This may have been the combat debut of the MC.202 in the Western Desert. One MC 202 was damaged.
27 November 1941
Units: 94 Sqn RAF (Hurricane I), 260 Sqn RAF, Hurricane, 2 SAAF, (Tomahawk) 24 SAAF (Maryland)
Claims (Hurricane): 1 x Bf 109F, 1 x SM.79
Losses: 1 x Tomahawk, 1 x Hurricane
Casualties: 1 KiA (Blenheim crew)
Two Blenheims lost to Flak
Units: 1./JG 27 & Stab I./JG 27 (Bf 109F)
Claims: 2 x Hurricane, 1 x Martin 167
Losses: -
Casualties: -
3 x Bf 109s damaged on the ground by bombs
28 November 1941
Units: 94 Sqn RAF (Hurricane I), 1 SAAF Sqn (Hurricane II), 250 Sqn RAF (Tomahawk), 11 Sqn, Lorraine Sqn (Bleneheim IV)
Claims (Hurricane): 2 x Bf 110
Losses: 4 x Hurricane, 4 x Blenheim
Casualties: ~5 KiA (Blenheim crew), ~ 6 PoW, 1 WiA
Clive Caldwell flying with 250 RAF claimed a 109 probable. The Lorraine Sqn was Free French I think?
Units: 1., 4./JG 27 & Stab I./JG 27 (Bf 109F)
Claims: 2 x Hurricane, 1 x Martin 167, 1 x P-40
Losses: -
Casualties: -
Numerous German and Italian aircraft damaged on the ground by bombs and strafing. Italian Cant Z.1107bis shot down mistakenly by Bf 109. 2 Hurries and P-40 claimed by Otto Shulz, corresponding to 3 Hurricanes lost by 94 Sqn.
29 November 1941
Units: 238 and 229 Sqn (Hurricane II), 260 and 30 Sqn (Hurricane I)
Claims (Hurricane): 1 x G.50, 1 x Bf 109, 1 x Ju 88, multiple damaged and probable
Losses: 1 x Hurricane
Casualties: -
Clive Caldwell flying with 250 RAF claimed a 109 probable. The Lorraine Sqn was Free French I think?
Units: 6./JG 27 (Bf 109F)
Claims: 1 x Hurricane
Losses: 1 x Ju 88 shot down
Casualties: 1 x PoW, 1 x KiA
Numerous German and Italian aircraft damaged on the ground by bombs and strafing. Italian Cant Z.1107bis shot down mistakenly by Bf 109
Units: 153 Sq (unknown fighter)
Claims: (Tomahawk damaged)
Losses: -,
Casualties: 1 x WiA
Wounded pilot was in a damaged MC.200. May correspond to Caldwells claim.
30 November 1941
Units: 3 RAAF, 112 Sqn RAF, 250 RAF (Tomahawk II), 238 Sqn (Hurricane II), 272 Sqn Beaufighter)
Claims (Tomahawk): 6 x G.50, 3 x Ju 87, 3 x MC.200, multiple probable and damaged
Claims (Hurricane): (probable and damaged)
Losses: 3 x Tomahawk
Casualties: -
All the shot down Tomahawk pilots, and 1 Beaufighter pilot lost to Flak returned safe to their base within a day. One Tomahawk pilot (A.C. Cameron) was picked up by Wg Cdr Jeffrey. One additional Tomahawk was forced down by engine trouble unrelated to the fight.
Units: 4., 5., Stab I./JG 27 (Bf 109F)
Claims: 1 x P-40, 1 x Hurricane
Losses: -
Casualties: 2 x WiA
Two wounded were gunners on damaged Ju 87s from 4./StG 2
Units: 153, 155 (unknown fighters) 374,378 Sq (G.50) 374 Sq (MC.200)
Claims: 4 x Tomahawk, 1 x Hurricane
Losses: 2 x G.50, 1 x MC.200
Casualties: 1 x PoW, 1 x KiA, 2 x WiA
The two wounded were MC.200 pilots from 374 Sq, 2 Italian Ju 87 were listed as damaged and 7 SM.79 damaged on the ground
Wounded pilot was in a damaged MC.200. May correspond to Caldwells claim.
Totals for the month of November:
Claims: 124 (overclaiming rate of 253%)
Losses: 99
Claims: 70
Losses: 29
Claims: 28
Losses: 20
Total AXIS Claims: 98 (98% of actual losses - slight underclaim)
Total AXIS Losses: 49
Of the British losses, 75 were fighters and 24 were bombers. Of the fighter losses, 43 were Hurricanes (25 x Hurricane II and 18 x Hurricane I) and 32 were Tomahawks.
Of the British claims, 64 were by Tomahawks, 27 by Hurricanes, and 29 were by Beaufighters, while 4 were by bombers, mostly Marylands.
Of the German losses, 13 were Bf 110s, 7 were Bf 109s (6 on that one day on Nov 22) 2 were Feisler Storchs and the rest bombers. Most of the actual fighter losses were to Tomahawks, most of the bomber losses to Hurricanes.
Of the Italian losses, 7 were Monoplane fighters (MC. 200 or G.50bis), 4 were biplane fighters (CR 42), the other 9 were bombers and misc planes.
Unlike previous months, a lot of the fighting this month was between RAF and the Italians, though the Germans were still doing most of the fighting for the Axis. I suspect some of the Italian records are actually still missing.
Some of the Beaufighter claims, most of which do not seem to be substantiated, may have actually been claims for aircraft destroyed on the ground I'll have to go back and double check that. That would account for some of the overclaiming.
Hurricane pilots made 21% of the claims and took 43% of the British losses. Tomahawk pilots made 51% of the claims and took 32% of the losses. 44% of the German losses were Bf 110s.
(I may have made mistakes on these totals because I was just eyeballing it, correct me if I'm wrong here)