Covid-19 reports

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Like a mother breastfeeds a baby to build it it up with the right immunity's for life I feel the original CV set #2 to be mild and the immunity system is being tailor made for me ATTM.God has a good Plan.

Thjks for the kind words.
Back to data.

CDC Provisional COVID Fatality Counts
published September 1st

Age group: COVID deaths (numerical change | percentage change) -- percentage of population | percentage of COVID deaths

0-17 years: . . . . .400 . ( . . +15 | +3.90%) -- 22.25% | . 0.06%
18-29 years: . . 2,903 . ( . +142 | +5.14%) -- 16.37% | . 0.46%
30-39 years: . . 8,237 . ( . +360 | +4.57%) -- 13.46% | . 1.30%
40-49 years: . 21,376 . ( . +853 | +4.16%) -- 12.28% | . 3.37%
50-64 years: 104,010 . (+2,589 | +2.55%) -- 19.17% | 16.41%
65-74 years: 141,614 . (+2,267 | +1.63%) -- . 9.59% | 22.34%
75-84 years: 171,569 . (+2,070 | +1.22%) -- . 4.87% | 27.07%
85+ years: . .183,677 . (+1,505 | +0.83%) -- . 2.01% | 28.98%

The total number of COVID deaths was 633,786. During the same time period, a total of 4,816,027 deaths from other causes were recorded (7.6 times more).

Note: percentage of population calculation uses 2019 U.S. Census Bureau population estimates.

CDC Provisional Counts
Italy report, 6th September, weekly change, from Monday to Monday
cases 4,574,787 +40,288, deaths 129,567 +421, recovered 4,309,200, +45,240, active cases 136,020, -5,373, tests 57,696,131, +698,172, people tested 32,897,713, +423,493, vaccines administered 79,383,775, +2,060,637, people full vaccinated 38,852,487, +1,285,880.
fatality rate 2.8% (=)
mortality rate 2,148 per million (+7)
positive rate 13.9% (-0.1)
vaccines on population 1,316,109 per million (+34,163)
people full vaccinated 644,138 per million (+21,318)
test rate this week 11,575 per million (+1,066)
positive rate this week 9.5% (-2.7)
new case rate this week 668 per million (-90)
new vaccines this week 34,163 per million (+4,671)
people full vaccinated this week 21,319 per million (+3,468)
I am a horse of a man with no underlying health issues so I should be ok.

Double jabbed so who knows what happened to that.

My wife has lost all sense of taste and smell which is why she married me.

I haven't. Which is strange.

At the moment I am fatigued and having trouble breathing. Panting like a dog. I spent last night coughing my lungs up and some interesting objects came up from god knows where. I am taking paracetamol as if it's sweeties.

Anyone who is already seriously Ill could be in serious trouble.

Believe me this real. My aching lungs are proof.
I am in trouble.

Big troubles.
I have covid symptoms and feel like death on two legs.

My wife has tested positive.

Having test tomorrow.

I am fit and healthy normally so here goes.

Royally screwed.
Hang in there bro'. I'd love to write something profound but you're better at that than me.
Which vaccine dit you get?
Public Health Agency of Canada data covering Dec 14, 2020, through Aug. 14, 2021. Published Sept, 3, 2021.

Hospitalization Rate by Vaccination Status
5.09% = unvaccinated (28,975 hospitalizations out of 569,216 unvaccinated cases)
7.39% = not yet protected (2,474 / 33,486)
7.33% = partially protected (2,416 / 32,971)
5.46% = fully protected (377 / 6,903)

Fatality Rate by Vaccination Status
1.06% = unvaccinated (6,035 deaths out of 569,216 unvaccinated cases)
1.91% = not yet protected (639 / 33,486)
1.73% = partially protected (570 / 32,971)
1.72% = fully protected (119 / 6,903)

Not yet protected = <14 days after first dose
Partially protected = 14+ days after first dose to <14 days after second dose
Fully protected = 14+ days after second dose

Data source (see Table 2 "Characteristics and severe outcomes associated unvaccinated, partially vaccinated and fully vaccinated confirmed cases reported to PHAC, as of August 14, 2021")

Figures for the last four weeks
(i.e. since the first report of this data was published Aug. 6th, which covered up through July 17th).

+16,548 cases, +1,034 hospitalizations, +139 deaths (6.25% hospitalization rate, 0.84% fatality rate)

Not Yet Protected
+735 cases, +28 hospitalizations, +3 deaths (3.81% hospitalization rate, 0.41% fatality rate)

Partially Protected
+4,487 cases, +89 hospitalizations, +9 deaths (1.98% hospitalization rate, 0.20% fatality rate)

Fully Protected
+3,784 cases, +136 hospitalizations, +30 deaths (3.59% hospitalization rate, 0.79% fatality rate)
Public Health Ontario data covering Dec. 14, 2020, through Aug. 21, 2021. Published Aug. 31, 2021. Confirmed cases of COVID-19 following vaccination in the province of Ontario.

Data Source

Hospitalization Rate
5.03% = unvaccinated (18,114 hospitalizations out of 381,838 unvaccinated cases)
7.37% = partially vaccinated (1,331 / 18,048)
4.65% = fully vaccinated (176 / 3,782)

ICU Admission Rate
0.99% = unvaccinated (3,571 ICU admissions out of 381,838 unvaccinated cases)
1.00% = partially vaccinated (181 / 18,048)
0.56% = fully vaccinated (21 / 3,782)

Fatality Rate
1.25% = unvaccinated (4,509 deaths out of 381,838 unvaccinated cases)
1.81% = partially vaccinated (326 / 18,048)
1.67% = fully vaccinated (63 / 3,782)

Partially vaccinated = 14+ days after first dose to <14 days after second dose
Fully vaccinated = 14+ days after second dose

Distribution of Cases by Age Group and Vaccination Status
Age . . . . . . . Unvacc. ..Part. Vac.. Fully Vac.
12-17 years:. . 6.85% .. . .1.30% .. . .1.40% . . (64.7% of this age group is fully vaccinated)*
18-29 years:. 27.82% .. .13.51% .. .19.59% . . (65.6% of this age group is fully vaccinated)*
30-39 years:. 18.41% .. .11.51% .. .18.64% . . (70.5% of this age group is fully vaccinated)*
40-49 years:. 15.77% .. .12.78% .. .15.52% . . (75.9% of this age group is fully vaccinated)*
50-59 years:. 15.04% .. .16.99% .. .15.10% . . (80.1% of this age group is fully vaccinated)*
60-69 years:. . 8.79% .. .19.91% .. .12.80% . . (88.6% of this age group is fully vaccinated)*
70-79 years:. . 4.10% .. .12.51% .. . .5.45% . . (93.2% of this age group is fully vaccinated)*
80+ years:. . . .3.23% .. .11.50% .. .11.50% . .. (94.5% of this age group is fully vaccinated)*
Total:. . . . . .100.00% ..100.00% ..100.00%

* Percentage of age group fully vaccinated data as of Sept. 7th (Source)
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By the way you are not calculating your fatality rates correctly. I am sure you are fully aware of that though. Its the great thing about statistics. Everyone (and I mean everyone) manipulates them to support their agenda.

Non-vaccinated actually have a fatality rate of 1.11%, partially vaccinated have a fatality rate of 0.08% and fully vaccinated have a fatality rate of 0.02%.

To portray this correctly you have to divide the number of cases (63 for vaccinated for example) and divide it by the total cases (403,668). That gives you the actual fatality rate.

What you are portraying shows the rate for each group, but not the overall actual rate. This falsely makes it appear as if vaccinated people are dying more than unvaccinated which is "fake news". This is a classic example of manipulating statistics. Some call it "alternative facts". I think we have had enough misinformation though…
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