Covid-19 reports

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I'm fully vaccinated and now reports say that there is no protection from infection or re-infection.
How about protection from death?

In terms of the number of deaths per 1,000 of a population the rate for the unvaccinated remains much higher than for the vaccinated.

In March this year, in the US, unvaccinated people 12 years and older had 17 times the rate of COVID-associated deaths, compared to people vaccinated with a primary series and a booster dose.

Look at it another way. In the UK, people who had received three doses of a COVID-19 vaccine or a booster were 93.4% less likely to die of the infection compared to the unvaccinated.

Part of the problem is that the virus is mutating. The latest variants, BA.4 and BA.5, are offshoots from the Omicron version and are quite distant, genetically-speaking, from the first 3 versions of the virus, which is what the vaccines were originally designed against. When others reference events like the swine flu debacle, we should also remember that they occurred over 45 years ago, long before technology existed to squence the genome of viruses.

The R-nought for the earlier COVID variants was in the 2-3 range, whereas BA.5 has an R-nought of 18. It's a very different version of the virus and is much more infectious. I understand there are new vaccines being developed that target BA.4 and BA.5 but they won't be available until the autumn. However, even the current vaccines still reduce the severity of impact for the vast majority of the the recommendation is still to keep up-to-date on vaccine and booster shots.

S stona is bang on the money about the reduced severity of symptoms, reduced hospitalization rates, and reduced death rates for vaccinated people. Those are the key benefits.

Fortunately, I have a work colleague who was nationally recognized for his work at the start of the COVID outbreak, and whose commentary I trust because he relies on data rather than proffering his own opinion. His recommendation (as of last week): keep your vaccines up to date and wear a mask in high-density environments. That's good enough for me.
I think COVID will continue to mutate like the flu and one year's vaccination might not be as effective on the next years strain. In the end we'll just need to get an annual booster to treat the most recent strain just like we do with the flu.

You must be in on the conspiracy. You making money off that vax comrade?


But who compiled the data? Was it someone I agree and align myself with, or someone I don't? Otherwise its just fake news.

Don't try and change my mind. I did my research. I watched a youtube video.

I cannot resist…
Oh, and I heard from a guy, who heard from another guy, who heard from this girl that his second cousin third removed shared an apartment with that the world is flat. It must be true. No peer reviewed scientific data will tell me otherwise!

Wake up, remove that implant tracking device, and see the chemtrails my brothers and sisters! Join that pig farmer in the Philippines and destroy the blood drinking pedophile lizard people running the Kabal!

Disclaimer: for anyone lurking here. I am not a conspiracy theory nut job. I'm only joking.
Received 4th jab (2nd booster) yesterday and feeling fine. I am glad for being vaccinated having had a dose of COVID months ago and coming through with it being quite mild, which I put down to being vaccinated. I say that also having lost friends to this in the early days before there was a vaccine. IMHO anyone doubting the vaccine (or even the virus itself) is either deluded or deliberately trying to delude others.

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