Crazy room decoration.

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I think it is a fine idea.
I, being single and able to do as I please, have photo's, paintings, posters, etc. of aircraft anywhere where I don't have shelves of models in my work room.
I personally like the idea, but the WAF (wife acceptance factor) likely pegs a low 1 out of 10. Chalk up his response as recognizing a cool idea that wifey would very likely nix.

I will admit that when 16, my mom let me (ignored me???) that I put skin mag pinups all over my ceiling in my downstairs room with models hung underneath them. Maybe she chose to ignore me knowing I was definitely heterosexual! I'll never know. But I do remember my very traditional grandmother opening my door on a visit, looking around quickly without saying a word to me, and slowly closing the door shaking her head saying "ermmm, ermmm, ermmm.." in utter disgust. For the first time my ceiling embarrassed the $hit out of me. For that I apologize Great Audrey. Please forgive me.
had a similar idea in my mans room when i can get in there,i was going to build a large glass cabinet for the built models and put the boxes on the top shelf like they did in the old toy shops along with my collection of boxed cars,hopefully in my lifetime
We came to an understanding early on, I always get one room for my models and she gets the rest of the house for her Snoopys. This is only fair as I only have a couple hundred models, and she has upwards of a thousand Snoopys.
A couple hundred models I can understand - they are all different, scale representations of different subjects. But 1,000 examples of the same fictitious creature?!!!
That's like having 1,000 models of the same Mustang, or Spitfire !!
If you're allowed a 'man cave', then eveything should be allowed in there (within certain limits of course), if you want to wallpaper your walls with old box tops, you should be legally allowed to so according to the rules of engagement, in this treaty called marriage, engagement, etc...
I'm sure that it would sound and look better than other 'eye candy' to which this art is rather harmless...

Btw, does the same rules apply in the 'man cave' as with Las Vegas?
A couple hundred models I can understand - they are all different, scale representations of different subjects. But 1,000 examples of the same fictitious creature?!!!
That's like having 1,000 models of the same Mustang, or Spitfire !!
Well, technically, they are all Snoopys, but they are all different. Some are large, some small, some plush, some ceramic, there are Flying ace Snoopys, Joe cool Snoopys, Springtime, holiday, and wall hangers. Refridgerator magnets and a telephone. Cardboard, plywood, and snowcone makers, cookie jars, dog dishes, key chains. Blankets, sheets, pillowcases. Coffee mugs, light-up plastic pumpkins for Halloween, A giant santa Snoopy for the roof. Shirts, socks and underwear. Not to mention her Tattoo.
And she never complains about my models.

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